So How’s That Plan Working For The Dems? – IOTW Report

So How’s That Plan Working For The Dems?

Blue State Conservative:
John Green

If a party wants to get something big done, it needs a plan.  A complete plan should include:

  • A long-term objective
  • A guiding strategy to achieve the objective
  • Tactics to enhance the probability of success
  • Specific actions to realize the desired outcome

In a competitive arena, like politics, parties usually keep their plans secret.  But after observing one’s opponent for a bit, it’s usually possible to reverse engineer what their plan is.  Well, we’ve had a few decades to observe the Democrats, and I think their plan has become pretty obvious.  It’s also apparent that their plan has some serious flaws. Let’s examine what they’ve been up to.


I don’t think anyone would dispute that the overarching objective of the Dems is to achieve a long-term lock on power.  That is after all what both parties seek.  In fact, there is nothing wrong with that objective.  The good or evil in the plan isn’t the objective.  It is how the objective is achieved and used.  If a party achieves power by playing by the rules and uses that power to serve the wishes of the American public, nothing could be more noble.  But, if a party obtains power by cheating, and uses that power solely to retain power – at the expense of Americans – that is evil.  Which brings us to the Dems.

8 Comments on So How’s That Plan Working For The Dems?

  1. It is amazing how many communist/socialist they are putting in cabinet positions.
    It has to be intentional.
    What gets me is the difficulty they have in passing their legislation.
    They have the Spite House, the House, 51 (w/tie) votes in the Senate, not counting RINOs.

    They should be able to pass all of their bullshit…for now.
    Of course R’s will win in 2022 and do what Youngkin is doing.
    Sucking liberal cock and bending over to the mob.

  2. “I don’t think anyone would dispute that the overarching objective of the Dems is to achieve a long-term lock on power.”

    I would. This is all about the destruction of our Republic. My God, There’s no other way you could interpret what they are doing and what their ultimate goal is. I’ve stopped asking why. Now I’m only concerned with stopping them. By Any Means Necessary.Our new rallying cry.

  3. The Demonrat’s plan is “Plunder and Destroy America” and it’s working quite well.
    Take a look around you.

    As Fido Castro once remarked “What do I care what happens to Cuba after I’m dead?” The Demonrats don’t care what happens after their smash and grab – they KNOW there will be no repercussions – they have taken the measure of the opposition and found them wanting.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. It’s very simple really, Demonrats are evil personified.

    Mo true Christian can worship both God and Satan. I understand that there are millions of Christians and dozens of denominations that do so.

    If you are a Demonrat you have acceded your soul to Lucufer, period because to be a Demonrat you deny God and sacrifice children to Satan.

    Satan hears the screams of babies in the womb and their screams glorify him.

    Can you imagine how the Lord God Almighty feels watching the massacre of 67 million babies since 1972?

    It’s a wonder we have not been destroyed already but he promised not to do that and sent us Jesus instead.

    No evil is off limits, all the deception, depravity, distortion, and disgusting behavior is normal for Demonrats and and many Republicans when the truth becomes a fungible commodity.

    The Marxists are stupid, disorganized, tribal and ignorant but are winning because like the blob or borg they win by sheer slithering mass and momentum.

    Their only plan is Satanic hatred and destroying God’s creations. They will stumble abd bumble abd move the Overton window to the point that they provoke the end if days.

    It’s coming sooner than you think. Repent and be ready. May the Lord God Almighty bless and keep you all.

  5. @ Cisco Kid
    In spite of all the mistakes most of us make, we are smart enough here to figure out what each other are saying.
    I proofread my stuff and still look at what gets posted and wonder how I did that? 40 years ago I shouldn’t have spent so much time smoking weed and more time studying, so that might be part of it?


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