Buddy Brown’s Liberal Buzzword Drinking Game – IOTW Report

Buddy Brown’s Liberal Buzzword Drinking Game

Know your snowflake buzzwords before Thanksgiving y’all!

19 Comments on Buddy Brown’s Liberal Buzzword Drinking Game

  1. Oh, if only it were that easy to deal with lib relatives. But I do like the idea of taking a drink every time a lib gets triggered. That way I can blame my drunkenness on them.

  2. I’ve been outraging everyone if they heard about the white supremacist who ran over the Christmas parade. So far they all nod and no one has doubted me. Then I say some bullshit about Biden was right it’s the worst threat we face as a nation.

    One day they’ll figure it out. Just not today.

  3. Now Brad, are you saying that you don’t intimidate her in any way? Not even getting in her face – with a smile on yours, of course? You’re just “que sera sera”? Hmmmm.

  4. RogerF

    Don’t forget:
    black list
    black ball
    black hat
    black cat (your eyes are deceiving you)
    black jack
    black knight

    Hell, I haven’t even scratched the surface. No wonder dumbass blacks are so offended.

  5. RogerF

    Good Lord, the libs have us paralyzed – nothing black, nothing white. What does that leave us…grey? And even then, they stole that color with “Fifty Shades of Grey”. They are insidious.

  6. Pool is racist. A white ball gets to control the colored balls and the black one is the last one to go. Bowling is acceptable however. A black ball gets to knock down white pins.

    With red necks


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