Biden says house burned ‘with my wife in it,’ adding to long list of embellished stories – IOTW Report

Biden says house burned ‘with my wife in it,’ adding to long list of embellished stories

AP reported in 2004 that the fire was ‘small’ and ‘contained to the kitchen’


President Biden said last week that his house burned down with his wife Jill Biden inside before trying to correct himself, adding to a long list of personal stories he’s embellished over the years.

Speaking on a New Hampshire bridge on Tuesday about his bipartisan infrastructure plan, Biden said, “Without this bridge, as I said earlier, it’s a 10-mile detour just to get to the other side. And I know, having had a house burn down with my wife in it — she got out safely, God willing — that having a significant portion of it burn, I can tell: 10 minutes makes a hell of a difference.”

Biden has recalled the story before, saying in 2013 that a fire “destroyed a significant portion” of his New Hampshire home.

However, a 2004 report from the Associated Press, archived by LexisNexis, said lightning struck the Bidens’ home and started a “small fire that was contained to the kitchen.” The report said firefighters got the blaze under control in 20 minutes and that they were able to keep the flames from spreading beyond the kitchen.

The president has a long history of exaggerating stories about himself. Most recently, he recounted for the fifth time during his presidency a heartfelt yet factually challenged story about an Amtrak employee during a speech in New Jersey. The employee Biden frequently mentions actually died a year before the story was said to have taken place.


11 Comments on Biden says house burned ‘with my wife in it,’ adding to long list of embellished stories

  1. I was once working on a 6-pack of beers and my house caught on fire because of a faulty meteor from the bastard hoards on Betelgeuse. It was time to FIGHT, then. I got a rusty chain out of the back of, you know, the thing, and I ran around the yard widdershins with my trousers half way down screaming, “FUCK YOU PONY-NOSED WELFARE SOLDIERS!”

    And the one of those Elephant Androids stepped on my house and obli– obld– uhh, smashed it.

  2. wait … lunchbucket boy has a house in Delaware (the BIGGEST house in Delaware!), another vaca waterfront mansion, that the taxpayers are financing a wall around, btw …. AND a house in NH???

    … ain’t it great to be a grifter in the US senate, & VP & pResident?
    those Chinese battery mining investments & passing legislation to shut down all energy in the US … BUT battery-power … sure pay off, don’t they?
    f’in corksuckers!

  3. The chronic liar and known pedophile-supremacist has little to no decisional capacity, shooting from his sagging lips at every opportunity. That his recent colonoscopy has declared his brain ‘fit’ is laughable.

  4. Relax Joey.
    Just settle down.
    Have some Hot Cocoa.
    They are unloading your new Mattress Right Now.
    Just give them some time to bring it Up to The Presidential Bedroom, put down the plastic liner, and you can go right to sleep and have another Dream…


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