SMH – Sex Offender Management Board votes to no longer call the people they manage “sex offenders” – IOTW Report

SMH – Sex Offender Management Board votes to no longer call the people they manage “sex offenders”

Breaking 911-

The Colorado Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB) voted Friday to use “adults who commit sexual offenses” in place of “sex offenders” in the standards and guidelines used by treatment providers who assess, evaluate and treat people convicted of sexual offenses.

After discussion and public comment, the board voted 10-6 to make the language change to the Standards and Guidelines for the Assessment, Evaluation, Treatment and Behavioral Monitoring of Adult Sex Offenders. This revision to the Standards will be open for public comment for 20 days. The Board will then review the public comment, discuss any adjustments based on the public comment, and ratify the language revision during the Board’s next public meeting.

The name of the SOMB itself will also remain unchanged.


16 Comments on SMH – Sex Offender Management Board votes to no longer call the people they manage “sex offenders”

  1. This is an empty gesture so long as Colorado’s Sex Offender Management Board doesn’t change its name to

    Adult Board Members Who Manage Adults Who Commit Sex Offenses Barbecue and Beer and/or Wine and Cheese Soirée Society and By the Way Where Are Our Paychecks?


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