You have to work hard to be as dumb as Mark Ruffalo – IOTW Report

You have to work hard to be as dumb as Mark Ruffalo

JoJo… lolol.

Look how scared “JoJo” was…

Ummm, Mark, bless your heart, they were chasing “KyKy”.

27 Comments on You have to work hard to be as dumb as Mark Ruffalo

  1. It’s rather telling that the left gives a cute little nickname to a man who anally raped several boys, 9-11 years old.

    Shows their preferences and priorities, doesn’t it?

  2. The left chooses their own martyrs. This is what they want to have as the face of their movement, it works for me. They will have a tough time Mking. Silk purse out of any of these three sowโ€™s ears

  3. We come together to mourn the lives lost to the same racist system that devalues Black lives and devalued the lives of Anthony and JoJo.

    Who are the “we” he speaks of?
    What is the “same racist system” he speaks of when all the criminal rioters who were shot were white?
    Who exactly “devalued the lives of Anthony and JoJo?” They did a pretty good job of doing that themselves. Does Mark Ruffalo even know that he is defending a child rapist and a wife beater? (JoJo? Really?)

    These people drive me insane!

  4. Who is mark ruffalo and why would anyone give a hoot about his opinion?

  5. (Page refreshes and wipes out comment)

    Donโ€™t worry Mr Ruffaloe….

    After they finish with us poor conservatives….
    Theyโ€™ll come for you rich and famous people….they always do.

  6. To paraphrase a phrase I read. Ego is the last refuge of the stupid.

    These actors insufferable as they become convinced that the drivel they blurt out of their collective ignorant pieholes are golden melodies of reason and intellect.

    Liberals are at their most irritating when they think they are smarter than you.

    Smug bastards. FMR

  7. Fukkin shame they didn’t kill ALL of em.
    What a collection of maggotry.
    All mouth and no brains – including Mr. Buffalo.
    “We come together …” Is he serious? An imbecile stab at erudition?
    Try “It was a dark and rainy night …”

    Stick to the script.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. And to think that entertainers were the
    dregs of society in the middle ages.Now
    they are the elite.Smarter than you and
    know what is best for you…..

  9. The first few movies I saw him in I thought, I kinda like this guy. Then he started opening his mouth and the I was blown away by his
    liberal stupidity. This is a good example of it….these weapons of war, these killing machines, see Mark an SUV or little compact car or a rock or a two by four or just about anything even a VIRUS let loose can be a killer.

  10. Once upon a time fame was used to support our troops, and America without regard to color. Now itโ€™s used to bag on moral decent hardworking people for imagined ideologies. Too bad Mark more than likely raised his 3 kids to be as vapid as he is.

  11. How stupid do people have to be, to believe that somebody publicly wailing about the “loss” of a child rapist, is doing so because xe doesn’t “understand” that the “lost” was a child rapist? As opposed to genuinely, truly, regretting the loss of a child rapist?

    How stupid do people have to be, after seeing xim told the “lost” was a child rapist, and not seeing xim wipe xis eyes and cry out “Well, good riddance, then!”, to “explain” that xe “just doesn’t understand”?

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