Watch Christmas Parade Murderer Being Arrested – IOTW Report

Watch Christmas Parade Murderer Being Arrested

So much for the notion that a black man doesn’t survive being arrested. This is what was said by so many lefty talking heads following the Rittenhouse verdict.

But, when people surrender without a fight, this is the result. Black men killed by police are not putting their hands up and surrendering peacefully.

16 Comments on Watch Christmas Parade Murderer Being Arrested

  1. All hands on deck at the MSM, trying to figure out how to spin the terrorist attack on a parade by a black man into some sort of white supremacist event. By the end of the week they will come up with something or else move on to something else so they can ignore it.

  2. No comment from the White House about all the victims in Waukesha, even though they bitched about the Rittenhouse verdict the next fucking day. The federal government is institutionally racist… against average white people.

  3. The psycho probably knew the police would be looking for him. Why wasn’t he on the run or hiding.
    Instead this murderer makes a point of drawing attention to himself knocking on doors like he’s homeless.
    Possible set up for an insanity defense.
    Whatever, the strategy he’s attempting to gain mercy – something he denied his victims, it won’t work. Brooks is just pure evil and deserves nothing but the death penalty, which sadly Wisconsin doesn’t have.

  4. @woody, if the inmates don’t take care of the problem, and this f&%$ ever gets out, you can count on some street justice taking place. I know scores of people here (myself included) who would be the first to volunteer to help Darrell shuffle off this mortal coil as quickly as possible if he were ever set free. Waukesha is not going to forget this, ever.

  5. The video quality isn’t great, but the fella who opened his door to this asshole looked white to me. He’s lucky that he wasn’t another trophy for the demented fucker. What the hell, just another white devil oppressor, just like the defenseless old ladies & children that he had just mowed down.


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