‘Marxist’ Comptroller of the Currency nominee rejected by many Senate Democrats – IOTW Report

‘Marxist’ Comptroller of the Currency nominee rejected by many Senate Democrats

Post Millennial: Several important Democratic members of the Senate have promised to vote against the Biden-backed nomination of Saule Omarova to the Office of Comptroller of the Currency, due to concerns over her probable Marxist inclinations.

Among other things, Omarova, currently a professor of law at Cornell University, has spoken out in favor of having the Federal Reserve get involved in private banking. She has expressed a desire to “end banking as we know it,” and has gone on record as being opposed to free markets, even one time actually defending the USSR. more

13 Comments on ‘Marxist’ Comptroller of the Currency nominee rejected by many Senate Democrats

  1. Not a problem. Everyone ELSE in Washington is a Maxist except Joe.

    Joe is witless, so he’s not anything and will fo what he’s told.

    And he’ll be told “Maxism”

    This other thing is just for show. Doesn’t matter in the least.

  2. CNN, Tell me again about Trump & Russia.

    This Fuckin Bitch went Moscow University and sounds like a east European pole dancer every time she avoids a question.

    How is she even in the running?

  3. Careful, everyone: she was put out there as a test run. Ok, so she didn’t pass muster – this time. Now, they’ve lowered the bar so much that an equally genuine crazy will slip through (and the GOPe will vote the lunatic in).

    Myorkas is as equally crazy as this weirdo woman.

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