Is it okay to throat punch these *************? – IOTW Report

Is it okay to throat punch these *************?

21 Comments on Is it okay to throat punch these *************?

  1. Just last week I was hearing stories about how Africa, in spite of having the lowest vax rate of any continent had the lowest infection rate.

    Whoa. Wait a minute big go and big pharma can’t have that.

    Almost instantaneously it’s got a travel ban due to a new‘variant’

    That’ll teach them.

    This stuff is as predictable as Joe Biden falling up the stairs or pooping his pants.

  2. Note that this new variant with “all its mutations!” (OMG!!111!!) hasn’t been analyzed yet for its infectiousness or lethality and yet the panic flags are up everywhere, even in the stock market. In small print in some reports, some scientists are quietly saying hold on because this one might be even more harmless, and in fact, good news. They’re pretty sure, however, that existing ‘vaccines’ have no effect on it.

    Buy popcorn – and ammo. The fed’s and some states are gonna milk this for all it’s worth.

  3. Trump did it for no other reason than to be racist. Biden did it to protect the vulnerable unvaccinated people out of an abundance of passion for all Americans, even those who disagree with him and science about a safe and 100% effective vaccine. How can you not see the difference, you bigot?

    But I wanna know how he can close off travel from anywhere in the world. I thought our borders are open. Now they are closed? He can’t have it both ways.

  4. What difference at this point does it make?
    Ban Schman! All they have to do is arrange a trip to Mexico, show up at our Southern border and voila, they’re in!

  5. The Delta showed up last December, this is right on schedule and they’ll pull this crap every year if people don’t just say enough and quit listening to these lunatics.

  6. Real comical since some ‘variant’ is actually a ‘scare-iant’ meant for the pedophile racist Biden to fear-peddle with the help of puking msm. Add the fact that Biden is a confirmed and verified race supremacist who especially hates blacks and other non-whites (hispanics, southeast Indians) and who associates with, praises, and eulogizes kkk members’ funerals.

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