“But if she claimed to be a man, she’d still have the job” – JD Hasty – IOTW Report

“But if she claimed to be a man, she’d still have the job” – JD Hasty

Great point. ^

Canada’s indigenous health expert Carrie Bourassa loses job when ancestry claims prove false 

15 Comments on “But if she claimed to be a man, she’d still have the job” – JD Hasty

  1. Russian Gypsy Fraud!

    This is what happens when you make everything about identity politics.

    Furthermore, everyone under Turdeau is a FRAUD!

  2. It is a function of their worldview or political philosophy. Some individuals look for what they can exploit to advance their own agenda, it was that way with slavery it is that way with the progressive movement from its inception and will never change.

    The fact that the left eats this shit up is indicative of the utter depravity of their worldview.

  3. Yeah, but there would be no affirmative action benefit to claiming to be a man. Why would anybody claim to be a man (if they weren’t) just to be discriminated against and vilified.


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