What Is a ‘Fair Share’ When It Comes to Gas? – IOTW Report

What Is a ‘Fair Share’ When It Comes to Gas?


This is nuts.  The White House occupant doesn’t have any idea what they are loading into his teleprompter at this point, he just shouts it at the audience as if it’s supposed to make some kind of bizarre sense.   This doofus is totally off his rocker.  What does this even mean? Watch

19 Comments on What Is a ‘Fair Share’ When It Comes to Gas?

  1. While his shit doesn’t make any sense, as usual, one thing is sure;

    Their idea of ‘fair share’ is where the government always benefits and the patriots take it in the ass.

  2. He doesn’t know what fair share is. He just spews what his speechwriters put out. They don’t know what fair share is because the taxpayer is paying their salary. The teachers that taught them “should” know what fair share is, but they are spouting socialistic garbage.

    Short answer, there is no “fair share”. It means whatever the dipsticks that Dominion puts into office want it to.

  3. His teleprompter writers are referring to US energy consumers paying our fair share into the carbon penalty wealth redistribution scheme.

    Either way, this comment added to that inane statement that if we don’t like the price of gas we should have bought an electric car will futher erode what little support this administration has among voters with any functioning brain synapses.

    His reelection is guaranteed.

  4. Obama let it be known that he thought it was unfair we pay so little for gas compared to the rest of the world. I suspect this is a continuation. I could see that an average of gas prices around the world be calculated and that’s what we’d have to pay, plus a little more since we’re Americans.

  5. My fair share is the square root of pi x Joe Biden’s IQ divided by the amount of money the corrupt Biden family has made from governmental graft.

    Or about .02 cents a gallon.

  6. The corrupt pedophile-supremacist Joe Brandon ‘The Big Guy’ Biden must be referring to his own ill-gained ‘fair share’ of 10% thievary via his child-porn crackhead polluted son Hunter.


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