Awwww … Chris Wallace Leaving Fox – IOTW Report

Awwww … Chris Wallace Leaving Fox

He’s purportedly going to CNN, where he belongs.

39 Comments on Awwww … Chris Wallace Leaving Fox

  1. Chris Wallace said he’s avoided hosting GOP lawmakers who’ve made false claims about the election.
    “I have purposefully not had them on, frankly, because I don’t want to hear their crap,”

    Well Chris, quite frankly there will be a LOT less people hearing your crap when you go to CNN.
    Since you will be the new boy on the block, have a good time jacking off Brian, Wolf, Don and of course Jeffrey…

  2. Good.
    Now kick Neil Cavuto’s fat ass and Martha MacCallum’s cunt ass to the curb as well…
    Brett Baier & John Roberts squish asses can leave too.
    Oh FUCK!
    I totally forgot about dumb bitch Jessica Tartalov and DICKHEADED COCKSUCKER Geraldo Rivera!
    They can keep Harold Ford Jr. though because he is just so fucking ignorant of everything he’s benign. The man is STOOPID!
    No wonder he was a congressman!

  3. Haven’t watched FOX news since they called the election for Beijing Biden. 🤬

    Frankly don’t miss the claptrap coming out of the Repubes. 😡

    Been a happier person because of it. 😉

  4. I don’t give a shit because I quit watching all of them. No FoxNews 24/7/365 here. No more NewsMax when they instituted the vax mandate. OAN is hanging on by a thread.

    I’m one person but I am doing what I can to get them all out of my life. I’ve switched my banking to a Credit Union that doesn’t even know the meaning of woke. Our two credit cards will go bye-bye early next year to be replaced by non-woke cards. Yeah, I’m greedy, I want that Costco Visa rewards check first. They can be pretty sizeable but I won’t miss supporting those Commie bastards at Citi one bit.

  5. Good riddance. But remember: rino rat Paul Ryan is on the Fox board of directors, and Murdock’s idiot son is running it.
    With Wallace exposed as the swamp operative he is, they’ll bring in a fresh swamp operative to do the damage Wallace was doing.

  6. I saw him this morning on Fux News and Changed the Channel Immediately.
    I hope you are proud for Debating President Trump on behalf of the Potato you fuck!

  7. It’s probably already been said but I’ll say it again. Wallace went to CNN so that no one would watch him there too?
    Wonder if they had a farewell party for him at Fox and wished him well? NEVER could stand that smug imitation of his father…who I couldn’t stand either.

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