The Kindest Thing You Can Say About llhan Omar is That She is An Ungrateful B**** – IOTW Report

The Kindest Thing You Can Say About llhan Omar is That She is An Ungrateful B****

21 Comments on The Kindest Thing You Can Say About llhan Omar is That She is An Ungrateful B****

  1. No a lot of people know (and you will certainly not see that in the main stream media outlet, not even on Fox news) that Ilhan was not “oppressed” in her country of origin, Somalia. The exact opposite is true.
    Her father Nur Omar Mohamed, served as a colonel in Somalia’s Mohamed Siad Barre’s military. Barre was a genocidal marxist dictator, who rule Somalia via military force for 22 years. Omar’s family fled Somalia as revolutionaries overthrew the Barre regime. She admits they were able to escape due to contacts her grandfather had, as a high ranking official in the marxist dictatorship.
    She even eulogized him when he passed away in 2020 due to COVID19, mentioned his military past in Somalia.

    From several reports, Yusuf Ismail Faraton, another colonel who served alongside Omar Mohamed, told Sahan Journal (which was founded in partnership with and using money from Minnesota Public Radio) that Omar’s father “played a significant role in the war” Somalia waged with Ethiopia from 1977-1978 (the Ogaden War), while other sources like the Blaze have also reported that Omar’s late father served during the 1982 Somali-Ethiopian Border War.

    So no, she was not oppressed, and her refugee status was based on fraud.
    She also committed immigration fraud, married her brother to bring him the US.
    And committed financial crimes, diverting donations and campaign money to her new husband and her brother.

  2. If the Jews are denied the right to live in freedom and peace, soon we will all be denied this right. If the light of Israel is extinguished, we will all face darkness. If Israel falls, the West falls.

  3. So, how retarded and dumb are the assholes who voter for it … uhh … her?
    And how corrupt is the House for seating it … uhh … her?
    Apparently the House no longer has any standards of decency since it allows a known liar, thief, and immigration fraudster to sit among them.
    (not being facetious – Adam Clayton Powell, though elected, was denied his seat for a time)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I wonder how her male relatives can stand the fact that she goes around with her hair and face uncovered?! She totally dishonors them!! What are they going to do about it?!! They need to reclaim their “honor”!

  5. Ilhan Omar got into this country in an immigration scam by marrying her biological brother. She and her entire Muslim family should be deported back to the schitthole Muslim country they came from.

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