Lori Lightfoot’s Texts Reveal Nasty, Combative Interactions: ‘There Are No Words for That Jackass’ – IOTW Report

Lori Lightfoot’s Texts Reveal Nasty, Combative Interactions: ‘There Are No Words for That Jackass’

Breitbart: The Chicago Tribune has obtained many of Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) text messages that reveal combative interactions with aldermen and city workers while shedding light on how the Democrat mayor runs the crime-ridden Windy City.

The outlet obtained upwards of two and a half years of the mayor’s text messages through Freedom of Information Act requests. “Her staff failed to comply… until the state attorney general admonished them and the Tribune threatened a lawsuit,” the outlet reports. The admonishment and lawsuit threat led to Lightfoot’s office producing hundreds of pages of documents, including the mayor’s text messages.

When asked about the text messages, the mayor’s press secretary Cesar Rodriguez released a statement on Thursday, the Tribune reports. “The past two years have been some of the most challenging times for local elected leaders.”

“Governing is a tough business. Emotions can at times get the best of each of us,” the statement added. “The mayor is fully focused on working together with (aldermen) and other stakeholders to continue to address the very serious issues that face our city every day.”

Lightfoot’s Belittling Texts

One text exchange with Ald. Pat Dowell was particularly eyebrow-raising. The mayor called someone “a dumb, dumb person of color.” The subject of the exchange centered around an October city council push headed by Ald. Silvana Tabares to hamper Lightfoot’s ability to enact a vaccine mandate without the council’s approval. Lightfoot suggested the political battle was merely about stripping her power, according to the Chicago tribune.

“It has everything to do with (Fraternal Order of Police president) John Cantazara. That racist SOB, trying to prove that he has more power than the black mayor and the black supt,” Lightfoot wrote in a text. “And Burke, per usual, found a dumb, dumb person of color to do his bidding. It is classic racial politics.” more

10 Comments on Lori Lightfoot’s Texts Reveal Nasty, Combative Interactions: ‘There Are No Words for That Jackass’

  1. Incompetent jackasses are the first to call innocent people jackasses.

    This malignant bozo has about as much business being in ANY office as di blasio, Newsom, and the rest of the sick bastards intentionally trying to destroy our nation for ego and profit.

  2. @Anonymous December 13, 2021 at 10:21 pm

    > how people can be so dumb to vote for shit like that ?

    The Party (The One Party, The True Party, The Free As Long As Loyal People’s Party) decides what thrones will be available for seating. The Party decides what loyal party members will be listed for “choice” to be seated on those thrones. The Party decides who will be eligible to “vote” for the candidates already deemed acceptable to be seated on that throne, by The Party. The Party “counts” the “votes”. (Oh! Hush! Loyal Patriot.) The Party decides if those “vote” “counts” will be accepted, by The Party. The Party decides if the previously anointed “acceptable” candidate will be seated on the chosen throne. The Party, continually, decides if the currently seated “loyal” party member is still “loyal” enough to continue grifting that throne.

    Except The Loyal Opposition Team, of course. While they swear their loyalty to whatever empty thrones The Party sets up (they gleefully explain that whoever sits on the thrones doesn’t affect their loyalty — Party loyalty is who they are), they swear that VOATING HARDERER for them will change things. Fundamentally. Within The Party. The One Party, The True Party, The Free As Long As Loyal People’s Party.

  3. The slate of candidates that ran for mayor in Chicago last time offered mostly far left whack jobs. And they were the moderates.

    There were some truly despicable asswipes and all together they received 10s of 1,000s of votes.

    I don’t think there’s much need in Chicago for voter fraud other than to get a Rahm Emanuel in as it’s pretty solid dem.

    IOW they’re getting what they vote for. Good and fucking hard.

    Richard Daley is spinning in his grave.

  4. Lori Lightfoot ?
    It should be Lori Nobrain

    Leftist PIGS should not allowed
    to rule our country

    They should be denounced immediately
    if not sooner
    and generally derided as inelligle
    to serve.

    LAUGHABLY of course

    Because these have no thought of serving
    themselves or their masters

    Like george soros

    Who owns the smellocratic party.

  5. My boys went to middle and high school with a girl who is now one of the city attorneys. She can not stand Lightfoot. She tells my son no one likes her. She’s horrible to work for.
    Not sure why she stays.
    I’ll have to have my son ask her.

  6. most of the elected politicians have no business in that position, but that is how it goes.
    they are the face to hate

    they weren’t chosen by the party for their wisdom but those chosen never seem to grasp that point.
    they are truly useful idiots


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