Nolte: Fox News Finally Rids Itself of Dishonest Ratings Failure Chris Wallace – IOTW Report

Nolte: Fox News Finally Rids Itself of Dishonest Ratings Failure Chris Wallace


Fox News must be thrilled to finally be rid of Chris Wallace, the only recognizable name at Fox regularly murdered by the competition.

On Sunday, Wallace announced he was going to work for CNN. Oops, I mean CNN+, which will be CNN’s soon-to-be-failed streaming service.

Well, let’s first point out Chris Wallace has always been working for CNN. So with this humiliating career demotion, all he’s doing now is making it official.

But back to the ratings…

Whatever you think of Fox News — and other than a couple of people over there, I do not think much of Fox News — it’s not just a cable news juggernaut, it’s a cable TV juggernaut. Fox News kills in the ratings. Fox is so far ahead of MSNBC, and most especially CNN, those two left-wing outlets hardly rate as competition. Fox’s only real competition is ESPN and networks like TBS and TNT. Week after week after year after year, Fox brutalizes its competition in the ratings—except for … the lyingleft-wing, and utterly useless Chris Wallace.

For nearly 20 years, Chris Wallace has been the one and only Fox News name brutalized in the ratings. MORE

18 Comments on Nolte: Fox News Finally Rids Itself of Dishonest Ratings Failure Chris Wallace

  1. I wonder about something not mentioned in the article, and not as an excuse for Chris Wallace’s left-leaning bent. How much of the Sunday morning ratings are affected by Sunday church goers? I mean many conservatives are at church on Sunday morning and not at home watching news programming.

  2. I stumbed across an article where even Howard Stern (not a fan) talks about this and actually brengs up a good point:
    “I gotta tell ya, people don’t watch CNN, who the hell is going to pay for CNN+? Are they out of their mind? CNN+, I mean what is that? Regular CNN isn’t enough?”
    “Good luck being seen on that thing. I mean I like Chris Wallace, but I’m not paying a monthly service fee.”

    So even people who like Wallace aren’t going to crack open their wallets for him on top of their already high cable bill! Just when you thought MSNBC was the basement of cable where the unaccomplished buffoons go, along comes CNN+ !

  3. The only dif between Bush Lovin Chris and Karl Marx/Rove is Chris has morales. He admits he is a “D”. Marx denies he is a “D”.

    Said many times the last 18 years Fox is neither “R” nor conservative if their “anchor” is the leftist Bush lover Chris; who loved Bush and hated Ronny when he ran Meet the Press. Still loves Bush and hates Ronny.

  4. Chrissie isn’t obnoxious enough yet to be on the free version of CNN – but he’s working on it.
    I’ve completely avoided that SOB since he did everything he could to help that rotting bag of bones Brandon in the presidential debate against President Trump.
    He was quite content too in allowing Biden to call the sitting president of the United States a clown and telling the president to shut up.
    That still pisses me off as much as anything about Biden AND Wallace.

  5. Harry A: I understand your question. The answer is that he is being trounced by shows on at the same time. If people were in church when Wallace was on, then they were in church when his competition was on as well.

    I don’t think dynasties belong in journalism any more than they belong in politics.

  6. Wallace is fatally tainted by his tenure at Fox. The fact that he carried water for the leftists through all that time will not save him. I predict he’ll last about as long as Megan Kelly did when she moved to the communist broadcaster.

  7. Now Fox has a open time-slot on Sunday morning — fill it with an hour-long infomercial and get some money out of it. Make up for the years-long losses from Chrissie the Commie.


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