Mom throws Bible into tub with her babies before tornado hit — see the miracle – IOTW Report

Mom throws Bible into tub with her babies before tornado hit — see the miracle

ht/ hot salsa


18 Comments on Mom throws Bible into tub with her babies before tornado hit — see the miracle

  1. Yep, that’s what a tornado scene is like, visual and audio and olfactory chaos as far as you can see. Leaking gas lines, gushing water pipes, cars in unlikely places adding their own flammable liquids, trees broken off and leaning crazily, fences and outdoor and indoor furniture flung hither and yon, semi trucks lying on their sides, poorly defined areas that it can be hard to tell if there was even a house there or not, or if the wreckage came from somewhere else, and the sounds of screaming, labored breathing, and the silence of the dead…it’s a lot of fun. Sometimes, as these guys showed, the best thing you can do is shut up and listen, after loudly announcing your presence and shining lights through the crazy pile of jackstraws that used to be a domicile. There are always void spaces and sturdy basement walls that may defy the odds, and the bathtub being a good, solid piece of cast iron, it’s as good a place as any if you’ve got nothing else as you see here.

    Finding tiny lives in a situation like this can be a miracle.

    Mom implored God’s mercy…and GOT her miracle.

    God bless those men for going out there and risking themselves for the save, but all glory to God for leading them to the children and keeping them safe until they arrived.

    “I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.”
    Psalm 34:4

    God Bless them all and thank the Lord for His miracle.

  2. I love Psalm 91 too…
    1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
    will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.[a]
    2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
    my God, in whom I trust.”

  3. Praise God for those first responders. They kept looking even though that baby wasn’t making a sound. They could’ve passed right by not finding him/her being all wrapped up in those blankets.

  4. Beachmom
    DECEMBER 22, 2021 AT 7:40 PM
    “Praise God!

    What’s with this G-d crap??
    It’s God and Jesus.”

    Some people, notably Jewish people, believe people are not even worthy to say His name.

    It’s meant to be respectful. I can’t take issue with that.

  5. Tony R
    DECEMBER 22, 2021 AT 8:32 PM

    “By the way, “God” isn’t his name, it’s his title.”

    Yes. Didn’t say I personally was raised that way or that it’s an article of MY faith, just pointing out what I know of those for whom it us.

  6. @Beachmom
    Some, who hold the Name in enormous respect, see writing His name on paper or less enduring media as temporary, thus the media is unworthy and it’s disrespectful to do so. This is evidenced in the fact that the Lord’s proper name is never fully recorded in the Bible; but only an abbreviation.
    As we have now lost that proper name to history, we are left with God and YHWH. Some still abbreviate (by leaving out vowels which don’t exist in ancient Hebrew anyway) as a sign of respect.
    Please don’t take this as a sign of not standing up for one’s faith, but rather, like I said, sign that one hold His name in deep respect. It is different than European and American traditions, but it comes from a good place.


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