Poll: Joe Biden’s Job Approval Underwater in 45 States, Close in California and Rhode Island – IOTW Report

Poll: Joe Biden’s Job Approval Underwater in 45 States, Close in California and Rhode Island

Breitbart: President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.’s job approval numbers are underwater in 45 states and close to underwater in two overwhelmingly blue states, according to CIVIQS’s rolling job approval average.

More people disapprove of Biden’s job performance than approve in 45 states, according to the CIVIQS poll, which has covered the president’s job approval on a rolling basis since his inauguration. That leaves only five states where more approve than disapprove.

However, two of those five states that are overwhelmingly solid blue states — California and Rhode Island — showed the president’s approval numbers close to flipping, with only a two-point margin in each. Both states showed Biden at 46 percent job approval, with 44 percent disapproval, and both showed ten percent “neither approve nor disapprove.”

Overall, the eleven-month rolling average of Biden’s job approval is at 54 percent disapproval compared to only 37 percent approval, with nine percent expressing they “neither approve nor disapprove.” Biden’s net approval is at negative 17 percent. more

9 Comments on Poll: Joe Biden’s Job Approval Underwater in 45 States, Close in California and Rhode Island

  1. If his job approval goes negative, he’s still chief executive, his salary continues, he still rides Air Force One.

    The “numbers” are like something from a high school pep rally popularity contest. I really don’t know why adults pay any fuckin’ attention to this media generated bullshit to start with.

    Spectator sport I suppose.


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