What Do We Do with the FBI Now? – IOTW Report

What Do We Do with the FBI Now?

h/t NAAC

American Thinker:

By John Green and Quentin Smith

The events of the past five or six years have demonstrated to America that the FBI is no longer the unbiased law enforcement agency it once was.  Between the Hillary Clinton investigation-in-name-only, the Crossfire Hurricane hoax, the targeting of Americans as domestic terrorists, and playing three blind mice with the Biden graft machine, the bureau’s issues can’t be ignored any longer.  If we don’t take corrective action soon, the FBI will finish its transition from law enforcement to being a political functionary advancing the interests of one party.

There are only two options: rehabilitate the FBI, or eliminate it.  The current state is unacceptable in a functioning constitutional republic.  We need a credible and competent federal law enforcement capability.  Sadly, the FBI has lost its claim on both those things.

A company I once worked for ran afoul of equal opportunity employment regulations.  It was essentially placed on probation for a period of five years.  That probation came in the form of a consent decree — an agreement between the parties to resolve the problems, overseen by a court, and often verified by a court-appointed administrator.  It’s time for a consent decree between the FBI and the American people.

An FBI consent decree is definitely going to need oversight, and not by the Department of Justice.  The current problems have festered under DoJ oversight for years.  The DoJ has not only failed to provide course correction to the FBI, but it has also arguably contributed to the problems.  The rebuilding of the FBI should be overseen by a board chartered with the mission of rehabilitation, and staffed with people who care about integrity and understand what a well-functioning police organization should look like. more

19 Comments on What Do We Do with the FBI Now?

  1. The FBI had a point many decades ago. It has also, many decades ago, become the clearinghouse for how you “didn’t use your turn signal that one time in 1996”. And of course they have ignored perverts and kiddy-diddlers because they are paid to ignore them. Amongst other vile shit.

  2. The FBI has completed the transition to a branch of the Left and has no loyalty at all to the Constitution or the Republic, let alone the American people. As long as it continues to exist, and those who are part of it remain unpunished [real punishment] for their past actions; then they will be trying to enslave us.

    It feels like it is somewhere between December of 1773 and April of 1775. And time and events move a lot faster than they did back then.

  3. burn it down … plow it under & seed the ground w/ salt
    like the Romans did to Carthage

    matter of fact, do it to all the federal government building in DC … rebuild it in the middle of the country & set it back up & run it according to the Constitution

    … or, “nuke it from orbit …. it’s the only way to be sure.”

  4. The option to believe that Hanning isn’t full of shit is no longer logical. That ship has sailed, that horse has left the barn. It cannot be that the rank and file are basically unaware when the corruption is absolutely systemic.

  5. The FBI always had a political side – though they tried to keep it hidden.
    Now they don’t GAF who knows because they are The Untouchables.
    Similarly to the GESTAPO and KGB, a Not-So-Secret Secret Police.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Every single alphabet agency is 98% compromised. PDJT need to clean the Aegean stables by rerouting the Potomac.

    Government agencies must be dispersed through the nation abd DC should be abandoned except as a museum destination.

  7. What do we do?
    Like usual, they’ll get ‘administrative’ leave, paid for, of course, then forced ‘retirement’ with full pension followed by lucrative positions in the private sector. Continuing their work were it’s totally hidden.
    Best to use the gallows and get it over with.

  8. This reminds me…How many field offices does the US Capitol Police have now?

    It’s Whack-a-mole with these fascists. And we haven’t even been able to whack the first mole. We are done with freedom.

  9. What Do We I Think of the FBI Now?

    Same thing I though of them when their man Lon Horiuchi deliberately murdered a woman holding a baby in her arms in cold blood in 1993. Nothing has changed.

  10. Notice that they can lie to a FISA court with impunity?
    And that Roberts is in charge of the FISA bullshit?
    Seems to indicate that they spend most of their investigatory efforts on politicians, judges, and other assorted maggots.
    I’m fairly certain that they lie in regular courts, too.

    Dangerous. Terminally dangerous (to the Republic).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  11. “The FBI should be overseen by a board chartered with the mission of rehabilitation, and staffed with people who care about integrity and understand what a well-functioning police organization should look like.”

    Can’t happen. Any such board will, by necessity, be made up of at least 50% democrats, and the other 50% will be 1/2 RINOs, guaranteeing a continuation of the status quo. I am afraid there is only one solution to the problem.


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