Carjacked Illinois Senator Majority Leader Married to a Bad Ass – IOTW Report

Carjacked Illinois Senator Majority Leader Married to a Bad Ass

Chicago Sun Times

Illinois Senate Majority Leader Kimberly Lightford revealed Thursday that her husband fired shots at carjackers after a Mercedes SUV they were in was seized from them at gunpoint in the western suburbs. More

25 Comments on Carjacked Illinois Senator Majority Leader Married to a Bad Ass

  1. “Broadview is a village in Cook County, Illinois, 12 miles west of downtown Chicago.”

    …partly explains it…

    “As Mayor, I’m committed to working cooperatively with the pillars of our community: our library, our park district, our schools and our local businesses. Together, we’re building a vibrant village that is lively, diverse, neighborly and safe. ”

    …aaaand, there’s the “diversity” …

  2. “Broadview is a village in Cook County, Illinois, 12 miles west of downtown Chicago.”

    …partly explains it…

    “As Mayor, I’m committed to working cooperatively with the pillars of our community: our library, our park district, our schools and our local businesses. Together, we’re building a vibrant village that is lively, diverse, neighborly and safe. ”

    …aaaand, there’s the “diversity” …

  3. Bad ass, or Dumb ass. I’ll guarantee you the gunfire she heard was just his. The cover and concealment in a carjacking are the cars themselves. If the bad guys are not in the cars driving away yet someones going to die unless everyone runs out of ammo and decides to call it a day. This guys was trying to blow holes in the back of a couple SUVs as they drove off, in a residential area. Makes you wonder what his back stop was. Not to mention the threat was over by then. His situational awareness kicked in about five minutes to late.
    I’m sure he will have no problem keeping his permit though.

  4. Ληοηγmουs τhε Σlδεr DECEMBER 25, 2021 AT 4:04 PM

    Actually I’m one of those peasants (certainly NOT a democrat) who has one of those IL CC permits. Was part of the first group to be issued and renewed once already (good till 5/24). But it took an earlier case with the supremes to make it possible when we got it passed as “shall issue.”

    Shitcago is still that and some special Regs. That many ignore, mag limits etc.
    Did I just type that?

    Never to venture into the city or close perimeters. Have to keep your head on a swivel these days. Situational awareness to survive.

  5. The maddening thing here is not whether shooting at the fleeing car was justified (it wasn’t) but that the cops will not even entertain the idea of looking into it because of her political status and because the shooter was black.

  6. I was thinking along the same lines as Brad on him shooting at the perps as they were driving away. Here in Corup-a-cut, I am obligated by law to retreat, even in my own home before I can shoot.

    Were I to shoot at a fleeing perp I’m sure I would be arrested and lose my pistol permit.

    Welcome to the Jungle Kimberly but then you already knew what that town has turned into.

  7. “Don’t get me started…” On what I’ve seen at range qualification. Thinking Brad had to jump through a bunch more hoops than I did (CA). Our training requirements are laughable, you could sleep through the classes and qualify with any gun you wish not necessarily what you’ll be carrying.

    Daughter qualified with a snub nose 38 and hot rounds 100% at all distances.
    Not to say that any of the requirements are good or bad or should even be in place, but if you’re unable to qualify in IL I question why you’d want to be carrying.

  8. Anymouse

    Our NorCal county is a shall issue county. Our Sheriff is a pro gun guy and believes in an armed citizenry. It’s like he says, We get called after the crimes been committed. Jeff Cooper use to say the only way you stop crime is when the criminal is afraid of his intended victim.
    I happen to be one of the few pro gun guys that would like to see the training requirements for a carry permit a lot more rigorous. We have our fair share of cowboys. But in return we need some protection from prosecution. It’s important to remember when Gabby Gifford was attacked in that Safeway parking lot there were at least three guys carrying. When asked why they didn’t take action they all answered the same. Afraid of being sued or prosecuted. One of them might have saved that young girl that died. Crime is going to get a LOT worse. Thanks to the Libtards. It’s got to be by design.
    Merry Christmas everyone.

  9. Democrats trying to shoot someone in the back.
    How consistent of them.

    But, don’t they believe that if someone is stealing, it means they are in NEED and should be accommodated?
    How inconsistent of them.

  10. I’m guessing it was a drug deal gone bad, judging by the individuals involved. The same people who will be defending her and he husbands actions (shooting at fleeing criminals) are the same people who condemned Kyle Rittenhouse for shooting his attackers. It all has to do with race.

  11. Who’s car were they riding in? Very strange wording since the first ‘coverage’ of this event. “A car they were in was seized from them at gunpoint”. What the hell does that mean?

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