“I’m not going to shut down the country, I’m going to shut down the virus” -Joe Pudding Pops – IOTW Report

“I’m not going to shut down the country, I’m going to shut down the virus” -Joe Pudding Pops

11 Comments on “I’m not going to shut down the country, I’m going to shut down the virus” -Joe Pudding Pops

  1. The moment he said that it was clear that he had absolutely nothing, also that he had no really critical analysis of Trump’s covid response but only a rhetorical one.
    Did anyone believe his original statement?

  2. How DARE you bring this up.

    You MUST be investigated as a White Supremacist Insurrectionist and all copies of this seized as false information because we say it is.

    We are the authorities and I am the law.

    You will be taken for questioning shortly.

  3. You would have a hard time find a campaign promise that Donald Trump did not keep.
    With this grinning imbecile, Jackass Joe, you’ll have a hard time finding anything he followed thru on!


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