Ghislaine Maxwell Has Been Found Guilty – IOTW Report

Ghislaine Maxwell Has Been Found Guilty

28 Comments on Ghislaine Maxwell Has Been Found Guilty

  1. “Law is now a technical means for the achievement of specific political aims.”
    In this case the elimination of a witness and the burying of facts.

    “Law is merely an ‘arcanum dominatus,’ a means for the stabilization of power.”
    In this case to protect the guilty from their criminalities (sins).
    (both quotes from ‘Behemoth’ – Neumann)

    Roberts, Gates, Clinton, et. al. would have to face the bar of “Justice” if the facts became known.

    Her life isn’t worth a pinch of shit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

    Bill Clinton
    SCOTUS John Roberts
    Bill Gates
    Melinda Gates
    Pierre Delecto
    Rod Rosenstein
    James Comey
    Andrew McCabe
    Prince Andrew
    Orca Winfrey
    Jake Tapper
    Rachel Mad Cow

    keep THE LIST going. This should be fun!

  3. When has it ever gone your way? Pitchforks en masse is the only way. One by one… list in hand… groveling in the street…

    At least a few so that the rest know their place for a few years.

  4. Try as they might to keep things under wraps, the names are going to leak out like bladder leakage in an old fart improperly placed in a large white house…

    Odds are Jackass Joe won’t be on that list cuz they at least had minimum IQ requirements of 60 and up. Everyone in Washington knew full that if they gave Jackass Joe a shot at it he’d blabbermouth and brag about it for decades!

  5. “All details of Epstein’s Network ordered sealed”

    It is safe to assume that Represents 100%, rock solid proof that the above partial is guilty of what they have been accused of

  6. The FBI got all of the video and photos that were in Epstein’s safe. They have all the names and have buried it and are applying pressure for this to all go away without another high profile “suicide”. The fix was in before it got started.

  7. Jackass Joe was not important enough to be on those flights.
    Bamma gave him significance, otherwise he was a Fuck All Idiot. Just like now, except he has the dementia excuse

  8. “Sealed”court records can be “unsealed”. This is how Obama was able to win his Senate seat in Illinois. You just need to find a judge that is afraid of being “Scalia-ed “ in his sleep.

  9. Who needs a list? Anyone in big position of power these days is involved..
    I assume most people wouldn’t be able to handle the reality of what was really going on out there on the island for example. It’s not about some rich person getting their rocks off.. it’s far, far worse than that. And it’s no coincidence the island was decorated in the fashion that it was, all the way back to ancient times.
    Same reason for the pPodesta picture with the occult pedophilia Osiris symbols on his hands.. that picture only saw the light of day thanks to WikiLeaks. It’s all tied together and all of the world rulers are involved, or else they’re not allowed to play.


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