Giving Ivermectin to Your Child; Will the State Take Him Away From You? – IOTW Report

Giving Ivermectin to Your Child; Will the State Take Him Away From You?

Weaponizing the State: Does NH DCYF
Have a “Bitter Clingers” Problem?

Granite Grok – The New Hampshire Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) recently made some waves in our state when they attempted to remove two children from their home after learning that the father had administered Ivermectin to his teenage boy a few days earlier.

The facts of the case paint a disturbing picture of authorities who simply don’t respect their limits. There was clearly no ill intent and no meaningful risk to the child. Ivermectin is a safe FDA-approved medication with relatively minor potential side effects. It’s available over the counter in much of the world, and in fact, many medications that are readily available at your local grocery store are arguably far more dangerous, including acetaminophen, cough syrup, and even Epsom salts.

Yet New Hampshire DCYF saw fit to issue a protective order, deploy their agents, and issue a “be on the lookout” notice to local police departments. They were willing to put the family, – including two young teenagers, – through the trauma of forcible separation and placement with strangers for an undetermined period.

Fortunately, the parents quickly figured out what was going on; they were able to move the children to a safe location before DCYF could get to them. Legal proceedings are now underway. But there is much more to this story, and it has everything to do with who DCYF was dealing with.

Finish reading HERE.

13 Comments on Giving Ivermectin to Your Child; Will the State Take Him Away From You?

  1. Plain and simple it’s none of their f business. They should go after Fauci who deliberately murdered HIv-infected babies and children plus arrest Biden for child molestation.

  2. “…administered ivermectin…”???

    yamean they gave them a couple pills??

    Such fookin’ drama. But a nice little newspaper. Nothing like that around here that I’ve been able to find. And the local GOP are doormats.

  3. Not a fan of over-eager, political Child Services, but in general it IS illegal to give prescription medicine to people it is not prescribed to. Was there an MD/script involved? I apologize if it’s there and I didn’t see it, but I didn’t see it and it IS prescription only for humans and was BEFORE all this nonsense…

    …that said, it wouldn’t normally rise to the level of removing children from the house. That ultimate penalty SHOULD be reserved for child abusers, child rapists, and Joe Biden who is BOTH.

  4. Vegans don’t get to eat bacon. They’re fine with that. Everybody else should be fine with that. If you want bacon, no vegan. Fine, fine, very fine.

    You’ve seen (or can look up) Elian Gonzalez.
    You’ve seen (or can look up) Ruby Ridge.
    You’ve seen (or can look up) Waco.

    You’ve seen (or can look up) The Soros.
    You’ve seen (or can look up) The Clintons.
    You’ve seen (or can look up) The Bidens.

    If you don’t want those that call you “enemy” to exterminate you, you must exterminate them. If you don’t want to exterminate them, they will exterminate you. Everybody’s fine with that. Fine, fine, very fine.

  5. @Looking For A Reason January 1, 2022 at 10:10 am

    > Not a fan of over-eager, political Child Services, but in general it IS illegal to give prescription medicine to people it is not prescribed to.

    Thank you, for your karen.

  6. Absolutely infuriating.

    Whoever “Anonymous” is, you can fuck off. You have no idea what’s coming.

    Everything will “turn” this year, in a huge way.

    BTW: I brought in the New Year with a nice dose of Ivermectin administered through the vehicle known as horse paste. (I spent the evening around vaccinated people and want to protect myself from their vax-shedding.)


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