Breaking: Dr. Robert Malone – Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64 – IOTW Report

Breaking: Dr. Robert Malone – Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64

Dr. Malone begins with:

A seasoned stock analyst colleague texted me a link today, and when I clicked it open, I could hardly believe what I was reading.  What a headline.  “Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64”.  This headline is a nuclear truth bomb masquerading as an insurance agent’s dry manila envelope full of actuarial tables.

Another commenter whom Malone quotes points out that a three sigma (three standard deviations) upward spike in deaths in this age group would be a once-in-200-years event.  Ten percent would be three sigmas.  This report says 40%.

This is so far a one-shot report.  I’m very anxious to see if these numbers are industry-wide.  If this is true, we can expect…I don’t know what we can expect, other than it will be profoundly disturbing for both the perpetrators and their victims.

Apprehensive regards,
– Uncle Al

33 Comments on Breaking: Dr. Robert Malone – Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64

  1. @joe6pak–

    “What’s scary as hell is that most of the sheep are not.”

    Agree, sadly. The deep programming that has taken place will hard as hell to reverse.

  2. When Big Pharma was indemnified against responsibilitiy for defects in the so called “vaccine”, the world should have come to a full stop. It didn’t and now a immeasurable price is going to come due in the not too distant future. Father in Heaven deliver Us from Our ensuing tribulations

    This is a crime against humanity and those responsible need to know, the World is A LOT smaller than it was in 1946.

  3. There’s WEB SITE out there tracking “Bad” batches of vaccine. It’s freaking frightening. Where’s their quality control, Crazy shit. Find it yourself, nobody here clicks links anyway.

  4. Velly Intelesting.

    The age group 18-64 is the prime age, at least the early part of it, for reproduction as far as I can tell, although men can produce sperm very late in life.

    Given that enviro wackos think more people just means more garbage and pollution, this could be a concerted effort to cull people from the herd who are in their prime reproductive ages.

    If so, and I am only surmising here, I have no evidence…It could be a way of using disease to eliminate the future surplus population by eliminating certain people now.

  5. Depopulation, de-industrialization, demotivation, etc

    Reducing carbon footprint by reducing population.

    Reduced dating, reduced marriage, more homosexuality where people cannot reproduce.

    That’s your end game.

    The plan was always there, covid was the excuse to implement it.

  6. Ann Nonymous Prime and Uncle Al,

    It happens periodically. As I tweet most posts for marketing this site, I have seen it on a variety of posts. I don’t think it has anything to do with the content of the post as I’ve seen it on funny posts, totally non political.

    I haven’t looked into it, but it might be something when scheduling the post; something WordPress does with whatever feature we choose.

  7. I certainly hope Doctor Malone has a substantial and verified loyal security detail. Traipsing around alone or in company unsecured is not a winning move at this time.

  8. @Gristle

    Yes, and I think the “leaders” have concluded that war with China over Taiwan is not winnable, so why even try?

    “Woke-ing” our military will provide the convenient cop-out.

  9. It’s going to keep rising as more get boosters and more are exposed to more viruses, that is the ticking time bomb if you read all the data on the animals. That is how they always worked.

    In case there are still those who do not know, the animals all died.

  10. The url I posted above is nested within the main site.
    the home page for the above referenced site is:

    check out their “Do the Batch Codes Code for Toxicity?” which is also found on the home page. There’s an other reason, other than energy consumption, that they want to ban ‘gaming’ computers. They don’t want the general public to be able to ‘run the numbers,’ which these folks have done.

  11. Perhaps my memory is failing me but I could have sworn that, up until about two years ago, liberals distrusted and vilified “Big Pharma” more than any other industry except possibly “Big Oil”. Now they hoist Pharma onto a glorious pedestal. My, how fast things change…

  12. @Ann Nonymous Prime: “The twitter button works for OTHER iOTWr posts…..but not this one.”

    I was able to post it to my Twitter account. I’ve never been suspended from Twitter, so I gu4ess this will be a first.

  13. @Walter Johnson…

    “Heart attack” or “”fiery car crash”?

    …or are they so brazen and sotted with power that they just let him keep spitting into the hurricane?

  14. I believe there is an element of ethnic and racial cleansing in the covid/vaccine/therapy scheme. It seems like the really big push for vaccines is against those who are most obedient and most heavily invested in our economic system. IOW, middle class whites. They make exemptions for illegals and government entities, which are heavily populated with minorities.

    They have already made it clear that they want to destroy the middle class economically, but what if they actually want to wipe it from the face of the earth?Those people can still vote, even from the poorhouse, and stealing elections to stay in power is messy and expensive. What if you could wipe out the pesky voters instead of phonying up votes? That way, you could still have elections, and “Our Democracy” could be preserved.

    I don’t think the racial and ethnic cleansing is a main goal of the totalitarians, just a happy byproduct of their scheme. Although when you see them divvying up covid therapies based on race, you have to wonder if they’ve decided to emphasize genocide a little more.

    It’s clear that they hate all the filthy humans who ate soiling their planet, but it’s also clear that they have more leverage over the prosperous, white majority Western nations, and they are using it with great intensity. Maybe they’ll shift their death-focus to the third world when we’ve been brought low. It’s pretty obvious they hate us all.

    Right now, it feels to me like we’re in a sort of Molotov-Riibbentrop non-aggression pact between East and West, with each consolidating their power in preparation for backstabbing the other. But no matter where you are, East or West, know that your rulers detest you and will burn it all down with you inside if they think they can survive and rule the ashes.

  15. The vaccine is destroying the immune system of the fools who got jabbed. The Lancet Journal put teh study out in September. documenting how people were losing 5% of immune system efficacy post-jab per week.
    Not to mention the heart-related complications.
    This has lead me to believe that, since no illegals nor refugees are tested, much less given shots, the great replacement is happening right before our very eyes.

  16. The shitt-for-brains that are now running this country are attempting to shut down, again, the entire country over a variant of the covid virus that has killed no one. This is more about attempting to control every aspect of our lives.
    Time to tell senile, little girl fondling Joe Biden and his clowns to shove it. Take off you silly mask, they do nothing to protect you from covid, ignore their stupid mandates and live your life. Stop being sheep and tell them to go to hell. Alec Baldwin has killed more people than Omicron.

    The two absolute dumbest most brain dead inept incompetent least self aware incapable and totally clueless persons on the entire planet are now president and vice president (senile Biden isn’t sure which is which)running this country, all due to a rigged election.

  17. @Dan K
    When I was reading the animal experiments with mRna, whatever virus they were using it on and they would inject that virus into the animals, the animals died, one study they gave the animals different viruses and some of the animals died, others got much sicker than the virus should have made them.
    That should have ended testing that shit then, but it didn’t. They tried it for cancer, putting tumors inside animals, not only did the tumors grow and the cancer spread extremely fast, the animals developed other cancers in an extremely short amount of time.

    Even in these tests they never listed what the ingredients were, so no way to know if it was all the same for everything or not, but what was clear was it destroyed the animals’ immune systems and it killed all the animals.

    That’s why I can’t fully trust this guy, he knew all of this and much more that wasn’t released, so is he even telling the truth when he says he got it?

    To me he seems like a man with a guilty conscience, so keeps telling more and more of the truth, maybe eventually he’ll tell the entire truth, just too bad he couldn’t have done that before it was approved for emergency use and let loose on humans.

  18. Once they are done reducing the population of baby-makers, they will come after those in their 70’s and above, because we are useless eaters and polluters.

    I think, sooner or later, an all-out assault on innocent people will happen. Australia seems to be leading the way in this. It will be blatant and there will be no need to point to covid and its variants as the cause.

    First, assemble the resisters in camps where the rulers can do whatever they want, which is most likely kill us quickly or let us linger a bit while they find more efficient ways of killing us.

    We all can start to see how effed up it’s going to get. I wonder how many people will be allowed to live in the world after the Great Cleansing. Maybe 1 or 2 billion?


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