My Gettr Address is @iOTWreport_com – IOTW Report

My Gettr Address is @iOTWreport_com

Let’s see if Gettr can grow fast enough to be able to use it for content.

People complain about Twitter, but then never join alternatives, stagnating them and having them die on the vine.

Put your Gettr profiles in the comment section and I will follow you.

28 Comments on My Gettr Address is @iOTWreport_com

  1. I tried to get into gab and it just didn’t work. I can’t really say why.

    However, I just signed up on gettr and followed BFH as @iOTWreport_com (noted above). Unfortunately, somebody else snagged just plain “Uncle Al” and so I’m @Uncle_Al_FU46i there. (I was briefly on as “Uncle_Alan” but deleted that account and set up @Uncle_Al_FU46i.)

    I’m doing this on the web for now; I haven’t looked for much less installed an app on my smartishphone yet. Maybe.

  2. I see a consensus growing here. I dumped Twiter and FB for Gab last year and haven’t looked back. It gets a bad rap for being antisemitic which I have not seen.

  3. I was on Gab for about 4 months. I could not find a way to connect with either people I personally knew or like minded folks. Gave up (probably just me). Gettr is OK, but it seems more of a news source to me than anything. Never been on Twitter – no interest in that type.

  4. @RadioMattM. I like being original.

    I notice that you have to agree by Google’s terms of service, which means GETTR can be shut down easily if we get too uppity.

    They have an app in the App store and in the Google store. I wonder how long that will last. I am hesitant to put it on my iPad as the Twitter app was a black hole for memory.

    Good to see I am being ornerier than usual this morning.

  5. Forgive my stupidity, but we’re all already on iOTWReport, so, what’s the point?
    I never did Twits or facebook or any of that other shit – just didn’t see the point.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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