DeSantis urges hospitals to distinguish those hospitalized due to COVID and those who just happen to have it – IOTW Report

DeSantis urges hospitals to distinguish those hospitalized due to COVID and those who just happen to have it

We’ve been saying this for 2 years.

Their scheme is falling apart.


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis pointed to efforts of one of his state’s largest hospital systems as an example of practical data tracking that can give a clearer picture of the coronavirus pandemic.

During a press conference at Broward Health Medical Center in Ft. Lauderdale, DeSantis noted what workers at the Jackson Health System in Miami are doing, which is noting which patients with COVID-19 are there because of the pandemic and which ones are there for other reasons but happen to test positive while they are there.

“I think that’s an important distinction to make when you have a variant like omicron which is much more widespread,” DeSantis said. “You are going to have people who get into a car accident and go into the emergency room. They’re swabbing everybody, and you’re going to have people that have incidental positives.”


17 Comments on DeSantis urges hospitals to distinguish those hospitalized due to COVID and those who just happen to have it

  1. The guy is brilliant and has an abundance of good sense. Dial down the cycle of panic by publishing the real numbers. He always scores bonus points for poking applesauce brains in the eye.

  2. Meanwhile, sky rocketing record cases of covid flooding Florida hospitals. If you end up in a hospital in Florida during this current covid outbreak, yes they are going to test everyone, it would be silly willy not to.

  3. Meanwhile our gubmint in their uncontrolled zeal to give away Trillions to bankrupt the nation is telling Big Pharma “Get on the business end of ou going out of business sale!”

  4. Anonymous
    JANUARY 4, 2022 AT 8:20 AM
    ” yes they are going to test everyone, it would be silly willy not to.”

    With an unrelable test that produces false positives.

  5. So you scare the people with stories of death from a virus not much worse that the flu in terms of lethality, so anyone with the sniffles, panics and runs to the ER. At the ER, they are given an unreliable (many false positives) test, that tells them, yes you have covid, thus pumping the infection numbers up. Then, you refuse early treatments like ivermectin, until the ones who actually have Covid, have to be put on a ventilator until they die, again pumping the mortality numbers up. The perfect plannedemic.


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