Scientists and CDC Now Telling Maskholes What We’ve Been Telling Them All Along – Their Stupid Masks DO NOTHING – IOTW Report

Scientists and CDC Now Telling Maskholes What We’ve Been Telling Them All Along – Their Stupid Masks DO NOTHING


We’ve been censored. Hollered at by Karens in the grocery store and sometimes even outdoors. We’ve been lectured, demonized, scoffed at, and called murderers and rubes — all for the sin of ignoring mask security theater and daring to show the lower half of our faces in public.

That’s why it’s just remarkable to hear the experts now admit that the same face coverings required in so many establishments and localities are not stopping any virus from spreading.

This is now the wisdom imparted by the experts, that the sweaty, flimsy, itchy muzzles that have been forced on schoolchildren, healthy athletes, socially distant employees, grocery-shopping moms, and even their toddlers are “not appropriate.” They’re nothing more than “facial decorations” against a virus that’s in the air and can’t be contained.

It’s almost like conservatives have been reading the available scientific studies and saying this since the beginning, like herehereherehereherehere, and here. Maybe sweat-soaked cloth masks in the gym actually aren’t great for your health, many on the right suggested. My 3-year-old’s mask that she can’t stop touching probably isn’t keeping her healthier, others thought. Yet the response from the left to this pushback was routine scorn and censorship.

Amazon banned a book by former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson that discussed the scientific evidence that mask mandates are ineffective. Big Tech weaponized fake fact-checks to choke out The Federalist’s science-backed reporting on masks. Former White House COVID Task Force advisor Dr. Scott Atlas was banned from publishing references to scientific mask studies, as CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta cheered Twitter on. Google-owned YouTube infamously nuked a June interview of Atlas.

Yet now, the left’s “experts” are going on network television to announce that we must stop wearing the cloth and surgical masks that have become synonymous with COVID morality, and they’re announcing that actually we’ve known these masks have been “inappropriate” all along.

Americans are just supposed to take this. In response to the gaslighting, they’re just supposed to obediently discard the cloth masks they’ve been berated and coerced into wearing and instead go buy some stronger mask to protect God-knows-who from this wave of a virus that manifests as the common cold for even the vast majority of the yet-unvaccinated.



23 Comments on Scientists and CDC Now Telling Maskholes What We’ve Been Telling Them All Along – Their Stupid Masks DO NOTHING

  1. LOLOLOL!!!!
    Portland, ME just passed an indoor mask dictate.
    Some of the local businesses have been requiring masks and getting push back for it. They are cowards and convinced the City Council to pass an ordinance. It passed yesterday and goes into effect tonight at midnight.
    Ha ha ha ha ha!! Talk about timing.
    Think I’ll send this to them.

    Oh ya, we told you so you sad, fearful people.
    This will be fun to watch the propaganda pushers eat crow.

  2. WRONG!

    Fucking Wrong!

    They get all kinds of little scratchy fibers stuck in your throat & Lungs made most likely from Fucking Chinese contaminated materials.

    They are helping to kill us nicely.

  3. The one I’m forced to wear at work is great- it technically meets their requirements: covers nose and mouth, two layer, cloth or medical. The cloth is so thin my beard goes right through it and it’s sheer enough it’s see through in strong light. Wonderful to watch people look at it and when it clicks you can see it in their eyes.

  4. If there’s never a situation where masks don’t work then it’s safe to assume that masks always work.

    What these fart cuppers don’t seem to realize in their never ending pursuit of censoring facts is when I fart with my underwear on I still smell it. In fact, I can still smell it even with 2 layers of protection: Underwear on my ass and a mask on my face. While I’m no scientist, I think my fart molecules are even larger than coof molecules, so there’s also that.

  5. My brother made a solid point about the masks which explains the study done on the subcontinent (Bangladesh I think). While they found the region using masks enjoyed a 15% advantage the study also pointed out that region did more “social distancing” and hand washing also.

    My bother’s point is this, wearing a mask will likely keep people farther away form you. All in all not a bad result even with no CCP viruses out and about.

  6. Oh good let’s all switch to 3 layers of thin paper made in China. So much better.

    “Don’t wear a cloth mask,” she said in another segment, going so far as to call them little more than “facial decorations.” All of us knew this as did every other free breather. When forced to wear one at medical facilities I made sure to wear the most obnoxious and politically incorrect cloth I could find. Funny thing when I had surgery in June at the God-almighty Cleveland it was ok to wear the same filthy mask for 10 days. When they took out the picc line the nurse gave me new mask that looked like it had been peed on. The thing must have been in the package for decades.


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