Beck,OAN Interview President Trump – IOTW Report

Beck,OAN Interview President Trump

Conservative Treehouse:

Whoever said God doesn’t have a sense of humor did not foresee Glenn Beck broadcasting a President Trump interview at the same time that Texas Senator Ted Cruz is saying the January 6th protesters are “domestic terrorists who need to be jailed for a very long time.”   LOL

President Trump granted Glenn Beck a lengthy interview on the anniversary of January 6.  The best part of this interview is President Trump saying all this sh!t that Biden is doing can be fixed quickly.  [He’s right]  WATCH:

SEE ALSO: President Trump Sits Down with OAN to Discuss Joe Biden Introducing Communism to the U.S.
CTH: I am often asked why the ‘system’ is so intensely focused on eliminating Donald Trump.  Sure, the decades past have highlighted attacks against various politicians with the Alinsky purpose to isolate, ridicule and marginalize them; however, in the history of American politics, no individual has been targeted at the scale of Donald Trump.  What makes this different?

I’ll answer that important question below this recent interview.

10 Comments on Beck,OAN Interview President Trump

  1. Until Trump abandons the vaccines and declares them a failure, I can’t have any faith in anything he says anymore, and won’t support him for president again.

  2. OldCoot January 7, 2022 at 9:18 am

    Until Trump abandons the vaccines and declares them a failure, I can’t have any faith in anything he says anymore, and won’t support him for president again.


    This attorney has given me hope. My children are facing termination. WTF! I don’t believe Trump, a billionaire, would throw away his life awauy being injected with a substance that hasn’t been tried or tested. IT’S EXPERIMENTAL. If Trump is as smart as he claims to be, why would he be foolish like that? Furthermore, he doesn’t even drink alcohol. An unknown jab is worse than even taking a sip of booze.

    This attorney is brilliant!


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