Amazon’s Gender Recognition System Identifies Michelle Obama as a Man – IOTW Report

Amazon’s Gender Recognition System Identifies Michelle Obama as a Man

This was revealed on a PBS Frontline episode.


ht/ Lurker

39 Comments on Amazon’s Gender Recognition System Identifies Michelle Obama as a Man

  1. Inquiring minds want to know:

    1. Then who gave birth to their kids?
    2. Does this mean they’re both cocksuckers?
    3. Now that the truth is known, will he shut up and go away?

  2. I’m curious where the kids came from as well. I’ve never thought they looked like either of them and they don’t look like each other either. I know kids can look different, but you can almost always find some resemblance between them and some resemblance to at least one parent.

  3. Big Mike appeared on the super leftard version of “The Cosby Show” called “Blackish”. Of course it was a sickening display of idol worship of the Sasquatch.
    The ratings were “Meh” for the episode. Knocked down by the sappy leftist soap opera, “This Is Us” – LOL!

  4. I heard somewhere that in Big Mike’s book he said that he had a uterus issue and either someone else carried those kids or he was implanted with sperm from 0bama. Who knows. Butt…
    It tells you that either

    1. 0bama didn’t sleep with him, he was just a sperm donor.
    2. 0bama didn’t sleep with him, he was just a sperm donor. lol

  5. @Old Racist White Woman January 6, 2022 at 11:00 pm

    > I know kids can look different, but you can almost always find some resemblance between them and some resemblance to at least one parent.


  6. For years I’ve been arguing that the kids are genetically different from each other, different than their dads. Malaria has a football shaped head, Sashay has a soccer ball shaped head. A speculator claims the kids were provided by Jeffrey Epstein before he did not kill himself. Oh, and those Ancestry sites? No Obama kids listed! So, go ahead cupcake, call me a H8R too.

  7. Nothing new here, Joan Rivers already told us!It got her killed!

    Eric Swalwell wishes his pathetic penis was as big as Big Mike Michelle Obama…

  8. One of Obama’s “daughters” looks eastern African to me, i.e., Somalian or Ethiopean. They have Caucasian features with black skin.

    Unlike either Obama or his paramour, Big Mike.


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