Tucker had a chat with Cruz earlier… – IOTW Report

Tucker had a chat with Cruz earlier…

h/t Joe6pak

Tucker Carlson gives Ted Cruz no quarter for Cruz’s craven remarks calling January 6th protesters – violent protesters. beautiful. – Watch at Geller Report.

36 Comments on Tucker had a chat with Cruz earlier…

  1. Cruz admitted he fucked up.
    The backlash was severe and justified.
    Have to give him credit for going on, though he did it to save his own ass.
    A whole lot of GOP politicians don’t have the balls to face Tucker.

    Going forward Cruz needs to rehabilitate his reputation by doing some legitimate destruction to the dems.

  2. Anyone else tired of turncoats? When public opinion goes against them, how quickly they grovel. Heard a lawyer recently say that judges are human and go with public opnion over rule of law.

  3. Larry
    How compelling is she? They rigged the election for her and she still lost.
    Unless you’re saying she was so compelling that people feared getting killed by her?
    I suspect you’re one of us, but I will play along.

  4. This wasn’t just a poor choice of words, he single-handedly legitimized the shameful dog and pony show known as the Congressional Jan 6th Commission, he gave cover to all those progs that have compared it to Pearl Harbor and 9-11, he has breathed new life into a lie that has been used to slander every single Trump voter, painting them as unfit to live in our democracy.

    For someone so savy, so politically attuned to his role as THE senatorial conservative lion, and so aware that words matter, to say something this tone-deaf, so accommodating to the real enemies of all liberty-loving people, it is truly astonishing.

    Can he rehabilitate himself for a 2024 run? I guess, but he better start that thousand-mile journey now and be better know that many people will never ever truly trust him again.

  5. fuck Cruz … he’s worse than Manchin

    they both got re-elected in 2020, but at least Manchin is trying somewhat to buck the system … what, has Cruz ever stood up for? Cruz is only looking out for himself. he’s as slimy as Little Lindsey, making deals w/ his Capitol Hill cronies & come time of re-election (in 6 years!) goes all ‘Conservative Crusader!’. he’s all ‘I’m for Trump’ when the wind is blowing good, but when the shit hits the fan, he jumps faster than a toad on Texas highway in July

    fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me

    btw, Little Lindsey does the same thing … remember the Kavanaugh Hearings?

    gawd, I hate ‘republican’ senators! … they have jellier spines than the d’rats

  6. Ignore what I said because your TV channel is somewhat right of the mainstream. Just adore me so I can get elected in 2024.

    Yeah, not going to happen because even though you do occasionally support the right, you have shown the opposite on numerous occasions. Yes, we do remember.

  7. I will NEVER trust Ted Cruz again. EVER.

    Alex Jones has a theory why Cruz did what he did. I agree:

    According to Jones’ analysis, Cruz has decided to go along with the Democrats’ January 6 narrative in order to position himself to survive the oncoming purge of pro-Trump conservatives.

    “And Ted Cruz knows that purge is coming and he wants to position himself so when the staged terror attacks happen he can point his finger at the patriots and say, ‘I’m not with the patriot terrorists,’ instead of saying, ‘The evidence shows it’s a false flag, and the globalists have the motive, and we need to stop them staging a false flag sometime in the next 300 days.’”

    Cruz, Jones says, “knows what’s about to happen to America, and well, he’s decided he’s going to join with them and signal that he wants to be part of the vestigial conservative remnant that’s left after they fully destroy the country and start putting everybody in FEMA camps, so… that’s why that’s going on.”


  8. I like Ted Cruz, a solid conservative. That said, this was stupid and I doubt he would recover from it.
    You don’t give the left fuel. It was like he said, stupid, and he should have made it clear right there he was addressing the few that infiltrated the protests.
    The smear campaign some pulled on him already turned some away from him based on lies and smearing his wife. Now he gave them more ammunition to attack him.
    And no, I don’t take Alex Jones’s (or Bill Mitchell’s) word on Ted Cruz.
    I can think for myself.
    This is very sad to watch.

  9. And for the record. I am not one of those who would vote for a democrat just because Ted Cruz made a stupid mistake.
    Last time I voted for a democrat, was never.
    That’s not going to change anytime soon.

  10. Tucker has balls. Too bad more journalists don’t. Peter Doocey comes close.
    Cruz looked and sounded nervous.
    Time will tell.
    Like they say, actions speak louder than words.

  11. When the hell will you all learn???
    Politicians LIE.
    Cruz was making a poor attempt to play both sides of the fence.
    Just like Trump did and continues to do by not changing his stance on this vaccine madness.

  12. @John Smith January 7, 2022 at 1:07 am

    > And for the record. I am not one of those who would vote for a democrat just because Ted Cruz made a stupid mistake.
    > Last time I voted for a democrat, was never.
    > That’s not going to change anytime soon.

    You do, fully, understand that you are why the Republicans are the Bolshevik Blue Team. Correct?

  13. @Anonymous

    “You do, fully, understand that you are why the Republicans are the Bolshevik Blue Team. Correct?”

    Sorry, I’m not going to let you get away with that. Saying something that provocative needs to be fleshed out. What are you talking about?

    @John Smith

    “and he should have made it clear right there he was addressing the few that infiltrated the protests.”

    But that’s not what he said. He used that inflammatory word to describe anyone that “attacked” cops. First off, by no means is that the definition of a terrorist. Second, there was no mention, even by Tucker, of these cops that opened the doors, allowed the protestors in, escorting them around and making banter with them. Ted made great hay on the Senate floor praising their gallantry and heroism on that day, like they were some great bulwark standing athwart against an angry mob bent on killing everyone of them, all lies.

  14. “The perfect is the enemy of the good.”
    (Le meglio è l’inimico del bene)

    You cannot be a politician without lies and hypocrisies hanging around your neck and infusing every part of your being.
    Usually comes from Law School – though some are naturals.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  15. Tucker should have asked him why are the 1/6 detainees being held in the Nancy Pelosi Guantanamo, in D..C.

    But that isn’t a good comparison because ACTUAL terrorists held in Guantanamo have more luxuries than we know about.

    Nancy’s detainees are being held under all conditions we hear about of Turkish or Mexican prisons! ALL CONDITIONS! GUILTY NOW PROVE YOU AREN’T. Hard to do from a solitary confinement cell. They are probably being tortured until they plead guilty. Nancy’s way or the highway?

    Where is Cruz the Crusader/lawyer fighting for the rights of Nancy’s detainees? He hasn’t the guts of MTG!

  16. Senators make poor Presidential candidates, as they have learned to compromise, over and over and over. That is NOT leadership material.

    Also, every Republican has to realize that their words & actions reflect not just themselves, it also reflects the brand. Cruz just damaged the brand of all Republicans and reinforced the idea that they are spineless.

  17. I saw Cruz’s original remarks on the Senate floor, and it’s pretty clear the GOP line is to hyperventilate like the democrats and try to catch the political donations drippings from the asshole plutocracy who are clearly fucking morons. It was the same day that other asshole Karl Rove published an OpEd in the WSJ condemning the protestors and “insurrekkkshunists!!!”.

    DC is its own world and it is a world of lizard people asshole who cannot and should not ever be trusted.

  18. The Representative of this District, which is solidly conservative, was pissing his pants and hiding on 1/6 – BY HIS OWN ADMISSION (didn’t admit to pissing his pants – I added that)! Even though there was absolutely NO danger to him or anyone else.
    Panic mode? Herd mentality? The Lemming effect? I don’t know – lawyers and politicians aren’t know for courage – moral or physical.
    I was very disappointed in him but he votes consistently conservative.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  19. I once had a conversation with Bill Bennett about Cruz. I asked him if he was the real deal. Bennett replied only time will tell if it’s going to he all about Ted. Time has told me he’s just another worthless politician.

  20. I was getting to like Ted Cruz. If he had identified the terrorists as separate from the Trump supporters, that would have been great. I believe there were Antifa goons in the crowd that were the real terrorists.

    Conservatives do not have the mindset that causes people to go smashing things and setting cars and buildings on fire. That takes socialists and communists.

  21. @TimBuktu

    “I was getting to like Ted Cruz.”

    I was too but he did us a favor. We should never lose sight of the fact that politicians, all of them, are tools, they are a mechanism by which we achieve what we consider the American standard, that as perfect as can be place where our ideals shape the society. Placing politicians that share our values in places of power achieves this.

    Once in place, if they are unable, unwilling, or refuse to promulgate these principles, they are replaced. The only loyalty that exists is that which we grant to our family, our friends, and our dog. Politicians are none of these.

  22. @rich

    In one sentence, Cruz threw it all away. I was even willing to overlook his 1970’s era muttonchops. I figured if he wanted to look like a Civil War general, OK. But trying to curry favor with murderous liberals and socialists is way over the line for me.

    The only place for him to go and be welcomed is Rinoville.

  23. @Anonymous
    “You do, fully, understand that you are why the Republicans are the Bolshevik Blue Team. Correct?”

    How many things you can get wrong in one, less than 20 words sentence?
    The Republicans are not perfect, and in fact, I was among those who harshly criticized them over decades.
    But what is your solution? Go suck up to the democrats and hope you get a good democrat elected? If that is what you are trying to do, then you might as well look for unicorns too. They are easier to find than a good democrat.
    Just like that genius who is now cheering for Beta/Beto.

    It is actually the phony elitists like yourself who got us here. I am willing to bet you were one of those who attacked Ted Cruz’s wife, her looks, her job, their kids, because people like Bill Mitchell told you.

    Ted Cruz is a human, humans make mistakes. At least he was not arrogant and stood by his words. He said he meant those who infiltrated the protests and committed violence. I still disagree with his classification of them being terrorists. Everyone makes a mistake. Or are you saying Donald Trump, Ronald Reagan, or even Abraham Lincoln never made a mistake or a bunch of them?

    Unlike you, I am not part of the mob that can be triggered with flashy headlines.
    I can think for myself.
    You bet I would vote for Ted Cruz if he was the nominee or if any democrat ran against him.
    I can disagree with someone’s few words, point out their mistakes, and still support the good side they had.
    Nothing in ANY democrat exists that I can agree with, or even remotely be comfortable supporting.
    And you and few others hinted that you would vote for a democrat over Ted Cruz, because he had few stupid words.
    Reminder, your new friends, the democrats, are actively working to make the Constitution irrelevant, take away your basic rights. So you tell me who is the one supporting “Bolshevik Blue Team” and is causing this divide among the conservatives.
    I’ll give you starting point. It’s you and those who are like you, the phony elitists who would have no problem hanging out their fellow conservatives to dry, because they made a mistake or said something stupid.
    Like you never did something like that, right?
    Your “Republicans are the Bolshevik Blue Team” comment proves that you always do stupid things, make stupid mistakes.
    So spare us your elitist attitude. You probably have no problem sitting home, letting a democrat win just because the Republican candidate said something stupid.
    That said, why am I arguing with someone like you is beyond me.
    People with mentality like yours are as dangerous as the democrat voters/zombies. Same effect.

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