Left-Wingers Bombed the Capitol in 1983 Causing 1 Million Dollars in Damages – It’s Never Discussed – IOTW Report

Left-Wingers Bombed the Capitol in 1983 Causing 1 Million Dollars in Damages – It’s Never Discussed


Named to honor the shared birthday of civil rights icon Malcolm X and Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh, M19 took its belief in “revolutionary anti-imperialism” to violent extremes: It is “the first and only women-created and women-led terrorist group,” says national security expert and historian William Rosenau.

After their formation in 1978, M19’s tactics escalated from picketing and poster-making to robbing armored trucks and abetting prison breaks. In 1979, they helped spring explosives-builder William Morales of the Puerto Rican nationalist group FALN and Black Liberation Army organizer Assata Shakur (née Joanne Chesimard) from their respective prisons. (Both Shakur and Morales remain on the FBI’s wanted lists for terrorism and are thought to live in Cuba.)

Eventually, M19 turned to building explosives themselves. Just before 11 p.m. on November 7, 1983, they called the U.S. Capitol switchboard and warned them to evacuate the building. Ten minutes later, a bomb detonated in the building’s north wing, harming no one but blasting a 15-foot gash in a wall and causing $1 million in damage. Over the course of a 20-month span in 1983 and 1984, M19 also bombed an FBI office, the Israel Aircraft Industries building, and the South African consulate in New York, D.C.’s Fort McNair and Navy Yard (which they hit twice.) The attacks tended to follow a similar pattern: a warning call to clear the area, an explosion, a pre-recorded message to media railing against U.S. imperialism or the war machine under various organizational aliases (never using the name M19).

Who were these domestic terrorists sought by the FBI?  more


I’ll give you one name-

Susan Rosenberg.

Her sentenced was commuted by Bill Clinton on the last day of his administration.

She, of course, went into academia, brainwashing as many young minds as she could.

What does she do now?

Wiki- As of 2020, Rosenberg serves as vice chair of the board of directors of Thousand Currents, a non-profit foundation[25] that raises funds and provides institutional support for grassroots groups, particularly in the Global South.

What is Thousand Currents?

They are affiliated with Black Lives Matter. You know, the organization that is just a notion, an idea. There is no such organization.

She looks lovely.

12 Comments on Left-Wingers Bombed the Capitol in 1983 Causing 1 Million Dollars in Damages – It’s Never Discussed

  1. 1983? Most of the polls do not even care about those of us who were already aware of things before then. We aren’t in the 18-34 demo, so we don’t matter, and we weren’t brainwashed by the Rosenbergs, Robbins, Ayers, etc.
    We saw them as radical, ideologue terrorists. We were right. Now, they are the mainstream academia and are indoctrinating the “utes of America”.

  2. Not yet, Kcir. But they’ve already tipped their hand that they think we will be.

    And they’re right.

    We’re getting inextricably closer to one last time to choose the:

    (1) ballot box?, or, (2) pine box?

    We’re in no hurry. But they seem to be.

  3. REgressives-they have ideas so great that they will bomb you till you love them.

    Take a good look at those eyes, they would gleefully watch you being lead to a post in front of a wall. There are several 100 thousand of them scattered throughout government and academia that literally want us dead.

    Right now they have the power and are using it. If DJT does run & win, we are going to see the same fucking bullshit we saw in 2017 only this time turned up to 11. If he does go for it, it’s going to take some brass balls the size of coconuts.

    He’ll have to make what Lincoln did look like a walk in the park.

    Front row seats Baby.

  4. This serves no political motives right now.
    Not even the GOP mentions this or the attacks in 1915 & 1951.
    Didn’t you listen to Kommiela? Jan 6, 2021 was on par with Pearl Harbor.

  5. @MMinWA January 7, 2022 at 5:43 am

    > If DJT does run & win, we are going to see the same fucking bullshit we saw in 2017 only this time turned up to 11.


    So, why waste another four years? He (& Ivanka. & Jared. & Don Jr.) are, exactly, what they are. What they always were. What they want to be.

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