Every Covid Death should be considered a MURDER – IOTW Report

Every Covid Death should be considered a MURDER

ICU Nurse who has witnessed firsthand the deaths of covid patients says that ALL these deaths should be considered Murders.

She was the last line of defense. She realized that patients were dying because of Governmental Procedure.

She watched her ENTIRE Staff be Vaccinated and ALL of them got Covid.

She now is INDEPENDENTLY treating Covid Patients Successfully. Early Treatment works and it is the Government and the Hospitals who are KILLING people due to Protocol.

Watch her testimony HERE.

h/t Dadof4

17 Comments on Every Covid Death should be considered a MURDER

  1. Wow, the truth is out there you just need to hunt for it. Our government has failed us big time and are just making things up as they run this death march over Americans with their eyes closed.

  2. The “Covid response” is being orchestrated and out of and by a movement that has a documented history of implementing measures that eventually lead to increased innocent human suffering, misery and death whenever and wherever they have achieved critical mass, consolidated power and been in position to implement their agenda. Covid is not an anomaly, it is just a progression of what they have achieved.

  3. The “Covid response” is being orchestrated out of and totally controlled by a movement that has a documented history of implementing measures that eventually lead to increased innocent human suffering, misery and death whenever and wherever they have achieved critical mass, consolidated power and been in position to implement their agenda. Covid is not an anomaly, it is just a progression of what they have achieved.

  4. My brother went to the hospital at Christmas, tested positive and they sent him home with ibuprofin. Got the call a short while ago that he’s in ICU. I got him on his cell phone and the first thing he said was they’re trying to murder him.

    He’s refusing the ventilator and it’s too late for early treatment so, it’s antibiotics and prayers –which are most welcome if you want to add him to yours.

    Note of caution, y’all: Be especially careful if you are or love a single person. Family and friends can have a hard time getting information about or advocating for patients. Even parents and siblings of adults have no right to health information or medical decisions unless the patient specifically authorizes the hospital to allow their involvement. Once the patient is non-verbal or unconscious, there is no way to get that authorization and the system will make all the decisions. (Luckily, my brother is talking and gave me the security code to authorize me access.) Get yourselves power of attorney and/or medical directive so you don’t disappear in a hospital on lockdown.

  5. Family and friends trying to prevent hospital from murdering my brother. Far too many arguments to get basic services. Life saving medicine is not allowed. They will only allow Remdesivir, almost worthless but it does damage internal organs so if the victim survives, the hospital will make millions treating patients for problems the hospital caused.

  6. Little Morphin’ Annie, my brother (not Jason) is going through something that has resulted in three of us siblings signing up as his patient advocates.

    Us three sisters were Mom’s advocates and it allowed us to make decisions, be with her wherever she was and no one could make a medical decision without one of us in on it.

    My brother’s situation will hopefully improve with us involved and praying every day.

    Little Morphin’ Annie, I will pray for your brother.

  7. Here’s what doesn’t add up. You’ve got 2 camps of people.

    NO vaccine: This camp promotes healthy living, eating, exercise, supplements, and treatments before and after catching the coof.

    YES vaccine: This camp promotes only one thing: Get your jab and nothing else. These people strong arm you into getting a vaccine, they don’t care what you eat, your living habits, hell they don’t even care if your life is completely ruined for not getting the jab, nothing. JUST the jab.

    It makes you think. Gee, which camp of people actually want you alive? Which camp do you want to be associated with? I’ll stay in the NO JAB camp, thank you very much.

  8. Little Morphin’ Annie
    Excellent advice.
    The answer to this, though is early treatment with any number of the drugs that have been proven to help.
    Hydroxychloroquine, Fluoxatine (Prozac), Quercetin, and most importantly, Ivermectin.
    Even if you have to use the animal version.
    I’ll take my chances with Tractor Supply rather than a corrupt, evil healthcare conglomerate that gets a $100K stipend for killing me.

  9. As this progresses the question deepens. What is the real purpose of the shots? They don’t work against the virus and they do cause all kinds of side effects including death. There is growing evidence they damage the existing immune system.

    Why does government and the medical cartel so fervently demand we take this experimental shot? Why?


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