Texas Researchers Create COVID Vaccine That’s mRNA Free – IOTW Report

Texas Researchers Create COVID Vaccine That’s mRNA Free

One America News

Texas scientists rolled out a new COVID-19 vaccine, saying it’s patent-free and can be produced by any manufacturer in any country. The vaccine, called Corbevax, was developed by the Texas Children’s Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine.

It has successfully passed human trials as safe and effective. The new treatment is based off protein-based technology that has been used in other vaccines for decades and it does not use MRNA.

India has already authorized production of 100 million doses per month of the new vaccine. Meanwhile, Texas scientists say not-for-profit vaccines will help defeat COVID-19 quicker. More

18 Comments on Texas Researchers Create COVID Vaccine That’s mRNA Free

  1. I reckon they’re going to have to change the definition of “vaccine” again to attack this one. Fauci’s probably shitting his pants and booking air time right now.

  2. fyi, the so-called “mono-clonal antibody” is way worse than the ClotShot from a pro-life prospective. It contains parts from freshly murdered babies, not just from ones murdered decades ago. Ann Barnhardt has this information in detail.

  3. Who would you trust to give it to you? Those doctors who are on the government payroll to give the jab to everyone? How do you know it’s the one you want?

    Sorry, I will count on my immune system.

  4. So….you still get the side effects but there’s 30% less sugar in the cereal box?

    It’s still the same non-vax-lets-try-this-out-on-the-general-public bullcrap.

  5. To Jethro. I think the bastards in the pharmaceutical industry actually used fetal cells in the development of pharmaceuticals that have already been approved so they can insist that you don’t use them if you are Pro-Life and against the use of fetal cells.


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