#BareShelvesBiden a Harbinger of Worse to Come – IOTW Report

#BareShelvesBiden a Harbinger of Worse to Come

News Wars

#BareShelvesBiden became one of Twitter’s top political trending topics as Americans posted photos of empty supermarket shelves amid continuous supply chain issues in the US.

Angry social media users displayed photos of empty supermarket shelves from the across the US and blamed President Joe Biden for the supply issues, with one American complaining“I feel like I am in a third world country.” More

According to Sundance at CTH, these temporary empty shelves are local/ regional phenomena, the supply chain crisis is going to slowly mount then last for 6-months or more. Here

21 Comments on #BareShelvesBiden a Harbinger of Worse to Come

  1. Was just talking about this right now with Geoff C. Both of us stopped at the store on the way home. I was really shocked at how empty the shelves are, but when I thought about it, there weren’t many things that were gone that I really, really, really need. And we chatted about it and I declared that we weren’t going to go all nutty about this because we’re made of sterner stuff than that.

    If you look at the diet of the British during WWII (and for about ten years following), it was acutely austere. Maybe this is a good thing to go through. Maybe we’ll stop seeing so many ads for weight loss companies. America needs to lose some weight anyway.

    Anyhow, that’s my Pollyanna take on it. Making lemonade out of lemons. It’s always got me through.

    We all know that if Mike Pence had stepped in to really question the sublimely questionable ’20 election, the real president would have squared this all away months ago.

  2. The article linked is long but worth the read. I started to stock up back when obambi was the end of the world. Still do it. People don’t realize how fragile the supply chain is and this is the worst I’ve seen it in my 67 years. It’s at the point where any little thing is going to break it’s back.

  3. “Maybe this is a good thing to go through.”

    Yes, it is. We need a taste of it. And this is the best time..brought on by the Clintons, Obamas, et al.

    And NOW, we have the Biden face on it. The most useless, braindead, corrupt swamp politician of all.

    Can you imagine having to live with Joe Biden on your voting record? What an embarrassment.

    Enjoy the ride.

  4. The shortage of refrigeration parts will seriously affect food storage, process & transport.
    It is really getting bad for heating parts.
    Some manufactures have NO combustion motors what-so-ever and many buildings are not able to generate full heating capacity.

    Gonna be a COLD winter folks for the next 2 months.

    But They voted for it, so Fuck em!

  5. “I feel like I am in a third world country.” Yes, indeed! It is all part of the plan. Don’t worry, the husk & the rest of the criminals will not be affected in the slightest.

  6. If you don’t have a garden, get busy prepping now for spring. That means starting seeds under a lamp in Feb.
    If you don’t have room, you can grow a lot of basics in pots – go vertical if possible.
    Prepping for the worst is a powerful thing in more ways than one.

  7. I’m seriously trying to see this from Amazon POV, and other tech companies. I know Bezos is a Trump hating lefty but he doesn’t want his company affected by this….and surely if it’s that bad, it will be. And what about Microsoft and Apple, unable to get parts for their products? And the car companies, likewise. Will these billion dollar companies just sit on the sidelines and let things tanks?

    Also, I’ve been thinking of all the frivolous glam people, boys and girls alike. Think of all the young black gals you see, majority have long fake nails and over processed hair. Aren’t they gonna flip out when they can’t get their maintenance appts because I assume beauty supplies are also going to be affected. And all the soy boys with their hair colors and nail polish, etc. The faboulous people may be what starts the revolution. All kidding aside, will these clueless people flip their shit when they can’t get what they want? I bet Yes

  8. ….also, during Obama’s reign, Glenn Beck had me all freaked out and I stockpiled so much and it made me crazy because, in the end, you have no idea what you’ll really need and what really will be helpful. I’m getting another couple big packs of TP, beans and rice, granola bars. Other than that, there’s no way to really know what it will look like. God help us, truly

  9. I am a professional buyer in the convenience store industry. I’ve been in the grocery business for 42 years. I can say, without any hesitation, this is the worst I’ve ever seen. My company prints a daily out of stock list, showing what we are shorting our stores. Before Covid, if we had four pages we were in a panic. This morning it was 21 pages. I have manufacturers telling me that they hope things will get better by summer, but privately, others are telling me they see no end in sight.
    My wife has been putting beans in jars and we have them all over the house now as “decorations”, but if things truly do get worse, we might be eating beans a lot.

  10. Well, the crooked-ass, dirty old bastard is just a fuck up looking for a place to happen, but rest assured that none of this is accidental. Not by a long shot! It is being done DELIBERATELY to destroy the nation and as a result we are very quickly sliding down a slippery slope to a Venezuela Hell in a damn hand basket!

  11. I like an employee-owned store here called Winco. It’s always well stocked – even when the TP got raided, they always had TP – rationed – but they had it. No empty spaces in the store. Went into Sam’s Club and the story was different. Empty shelves, empty plastic containers take up empty shelves to make it look like they’re stocked. Other grocery stores are basically the same. There’s no longer choices of certain items, generic or none at all. Costco’s rotisserie chicken is still $4.99 – bought one of those too. I will make a prediction. If the SCOTUS upholds mandates, game is over. You will see no trucks on the road or very few. SCOTUS, with their decision will either usher in a civil war, or business as usual. SCOTUS – all of them will be3 sorry the day they ruled against the people. Maybe that’s what we need – it will be costly. I highly recommend everyone listen to this lawyer. He’s an expert on human rights. He made a comment that judges rule many times based on public opinion and not necessarily the rule of law. How can any judge make a ruling on a jab that wasn’t tested, no trials, just rolled it out there at warp speed. What could go wrong? And the person in charge at the time still wants you to get the jab despite the deaths and injuries.

  12. Not sure where I read it but tire installers are complaining of tire shortages as well. If your tires are getting worn you better try getting a new set before they skyrocket in price.

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