Hey Dems, We Got Your Election Reforms Right Here – IOTW Report

Hey Dems, We Got Your Election Reforms Right Here

TownHall: Kurt Schlichter

As shocking as it may seem, the Democrats are right about something for once. Even a broken clock is right twice a day; even Eric Swalwell occasionally mates with someone who is not a Chi Com spy, shutting her eyes tight and doing her booty duty for Beijing. The Dems are right that we need election reform to save our democracy. I propose that we change how we conduct elections, good and hard.

Now, the Democrats have a very different objective in reforming the election system than we do. They seek to make it easier for lazy and stupid people to vote. This is perfectly reasonable, considering that the indolent and idiotic make up key components of the Democrat coalition. Further, they want to flood the system with unaccountable votes in order to allow themselves to cheat. In this way, they can steal wins where otherwise voters would reject them for their incompetence, corruption, and general tiresomeness.

But we patriots have a different goal. We want election security, and we also want to make it more difficult for bums and morons to participate in our electoral system. more here

3 Comments on Hey Dems, We Got Your Election Reforms Right Here

  1. I was amazed when I read this article yesterday, because it is word for word what I’ve been screaming to the rooftops for the past year. Exactly. But, do I think anything even close to this will ever happen, not only no but hell no. The democrats stole an election in plain site in 2020, and got away with it. I don’t believe they will ever lose a major election again, now that they have the formula, and now that they see nothing will be done about it. I look for a few key races in 2022 to be “flipped” at the last minute, and the end result will be the democrats holding on and gaining a few seats in the house, and picking up 3-4 seats in the senate. And when it happens, the GOP will say, “Oh well, what are you gonna do?”

  2. One needs to pay some level of income taxes to vote. People need skin in the game in order to prevent politicians from buying votes with Federal benefits.


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