Leftists have a cow over Tucker Carlson’s observations about Nancy Pelosi’s strange new appearance – IOTW Report

Leftists have a cow over Tucker Carlson’s observations about Nancy Pelosi’s strange new appearance

House speaker Nancy Pelosi apparently has had some plastic surgery. It didn’t go well. Tucker Carlson was on the scene to state what everyone was thinking:

23 Comments on Leftists have a cow over Tucker Carlson’s observations about Nancy Pelosi’s strange new appearance

  1. When it comes to behavior that is beneath human dignity her doing this to herself is small potatoes compared to other things progs have been up to and busy trying to mainstream.

  2. The left is outraged by Tucker Carlson? What about “Orange Man” that leftists have been spouting about for five years now?

    Actually, Pelosi now looks perpetually surprised, so I suppose her recent cosmetic surgery has just merely made her true character show. Although the devil horns are still missing.

  3. Michael Jackson? Don’t think so. Old Bag Nan will keep yakking even after she kicks it.

    So what you see in the video is what Nan will look like post-mortem. It’s a preview. During the viewing, she’ll sit straight up in her casket and automatically start yakking some stupid things about Jan. 6. They’ll prop her up and let her do another face the nation gab fest.

  4. Actually, that took some balls for Tucker to say what he did. He is correct in his observation. Now we can make fun of “all eyebrow Nancy” like they did Orange Man Trump. Childish in so many ways. All I can see from the left are dysfunctional twits, running scared, and will not know what hit them in November.

  5. They’ll be even higher when she’s charged with insider trading. The gall of this she-goat encouraging looting & rioting summer ’20, never giving a crap about riots & mass torching of businesses. How many people lost their livlihoods because of her & the craven democrats–all while making millions on illegal insider trading. What a fucking bitch! This just infuriates me!


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