CDC belatedly acknowledges cloth masks aren’t as effective against COVID as respirators – IOTW Report

CDC belatedly acknowledges cloth masks aren’t as effective against COVID as respirators

Just The News: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention finally acknowledge Friday what many experts have warned for months: cloth masks are not as effective in protecting against COVID-19 as respirators or surgical masks. 

The change in messaging comes as the highly infectious Omicron variant continue to spead rapidly across America.

Some experts had urged the government to tell Americans to scrap cloth masks in favor of respirators, but CDC stopped short of that declaration.

Instead, the agency declared that “a respirator may be considered in certain situations and by certain people when greater protection is needed or desired.” 

The CDC’s prior guidance had said individuals may choose to use a disposable N95 respirator instead of a cloth mask “when supplies are available.”


So why then, is the Treasury all up in Arizona’s face about masks?

U.S. Treasury threatens to reclaim COVID aid from Arizona over mask mandate fight

18 Comments on CDC belatedly acknowledges cloth masks aren’t as effective against COVID as respirators

  1. Something is up with this bullshit.
    I was at the gym where they torture their clientele with CNN on one of the TV’s.
    Anyway, Bernie Sanders grumpy old ass was on and he is pushing the fuck out of KN95 masks. Send them to the entire country.
    Since he owns 3 houses I expect he will get three deliveries.

    Must be their final flailing attempt at holding on to this shit.
    If the populace is no longer masked covid is done.
    Thing is, there are millions of idiotic Americans THAT WILL STILL WEAR FUCKING MASKS!!!

  2. Nothing except well-fitting masks with filtering cartridges will help stop virus entry.
    Outbound virus, however, is not stopped.
    NOTHING, INCLUDING N-95 MASKS will filter out the virus inbound, and outbound.

  3. Even a P100 HEPA filter on a half face respirator will not protect you from the virus. I don’t understand the hoopla about the N95 since it is far less effective than the P100 HEPA anyway.

  4. What I have failed to understand, is why do people insist on wearing a filthy facemask on their face? I really don’t get it. Yesterday while shopping, an older gentleman was wearing a filthy facemask. He was fiddle faddling with it, then touch the cart handles. I was the wrong person to strike up a conversation with. The Marine Corp cap he was wearing was a disgrace, especially when he asked me why I wasn’t masked up. Let’s just say I was the wrong senior citizen he dealt with yesterday. I bet he’s still thinking about our conversation, and what not to say to a conservative. I handed him his ass.

  5. Biden Administration & CDC Circle Jerk / Catch 22:
    The vaccine wont stop Omicron, wear a N95 mask.
    The N95 mask wont stop Omicron, get the jab.
    The vaccine wont stop Omicron, wear a N95 mask.
    The N95 mask wont stop Omicron, get the jab…

  6. In a totally unrelated story, Hunter Biden was recently named chairman of the board and owns majority stock in the only “approved” N-95 mask manufacturer. And 10% for the big guy.


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