Firing of University President Saves Michigan Nearly $2 Million Separation Agreement – IOTW Report

Firing of University President Saves Michigan Nearly $2 Million Separation Agreement


The University of Michigan’s board fired its president Saturday, citing an investigation into an inappropriate relationship with an employee and releasing communications sent from his university email…

Schlissel announced in October that he would step down in June 2023, before the end of his contract, but he signed a deal with the board that he would still be paid his salary of $927,000 for two years after his resignation, The Michigan Daily, a student publication, reported.

Now that Schlissel has been terminated for a breach of his contract, specifically a clause in which he agreed to promote the dignity and reputation of the university, he is no longer entitled to his salary, The Daily reported Saturday. More

12 Comments on Firing of University President Saves Michigan Nearly $2 Million Separation Agreement

  1. I’ve never understood why any guy would ever start any romantic relationship with a co-worker. Frankly, given the minefield men have to navigate in the workplace where women are present, why would any man cultivate any personal relationship with a woman other than a strictly business association.

    Manosphere 101- There is a sea full of women out there, pick one you don’t work with. And the ones that you do, stay professional and guarded.

  2. I’ve never understood why any guy would ever start any romantic relationship with a co-worker

    I worked for a well-known engineering firm who got their ass sued for sexual discrimination. My supervisor was dorking another employee, after hours, in the office we worked in. She bragged about what she was doing and with whom while working over time. She wasn’t banging on a typewriter either and both were working overtime! 🙂

  3. ..first of all, given that “universities” themselves whored themselves out to the Democrat Party years ago, him porking some side chick seems to be pretty inline with him “promot(ing) the dignity and reputation of the university”, since that’s all the more dignity and reputation the university itself HAS at this point.

    Secondly, I’d like to be the divorce lawyer his old lady called when he came home and told her he publicly diddled $2,000,000 away and it’s all over the media, I bet that outrage was EPIC and I’ll wager he has more than THAT squirreled away since he’s been freeloading as a do-nothing, vastly overpaid figurehead long before today…

  4. rich taylor JANUARY 17, 2022 AT 3:17 PM

    “I’ve never understood why any guy would ever start any romantic relationship with a co-worker.”

    Can’t argue with the point of your post at all. Sound advice.

    But, if you’d ever like to hear my personal answer to why I made a family with one and dated the other for 6 years long after we became ex-coworkers, I have stories.

    Bottom line – they both pursued me for extended periods of time. I actually tried hard not to fish in the company pond. From the first, I have sons, daughters-in-law, and grandchildren now. Far from being all bad.

    The other, I dodged a bullet. Unlike her last co-worker.

  5. So the University pukes actually believed that crud was worth close to a million dollars per year! What a mean and cruel joke to play on those that were forced to pay for him!

  6. “I’ll wager he has more than THAT squirreled away since he’s been freeloading as a do-nothing, vastly overpaid figurehead long before today…”

    SNS, Your logic is self defeating! The restraint it takes to not spend free money is contrary to the abusive easy come easy go virtues this guy has.

    He’s a squanderer. $5 says he has nuttin’ much in the hide-y spots. ‘cept maybe weird stuff.

  7. a clause in which he agreed to promote the dignity and reputation of the university

    So an adult? Of a differing sex? Of a cisgender? And (passably) the same species?

    Ugh. I feel so filthy typing that, I need a shower. (Alone. Water. You en-titled preverts!)

  8. Something I was taught as an up-and-coming young NCO, was, if you’re counseling a female of the opposite gender, always, ALWAYS, have the office door open, and if possible, have another person in the room.
    Oh, and NEVER dip your pen in the company ink well. (The Army had strict rules about that)
    All seems like common sense. Apparently, common sense isn’t so common.

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