Some Prayers – WITH UPDATE – IOTW Report

Some Prayers – WITH UPDATE

Little Morphin’ Annie says,

My big brother, Patrick, is in the ICU at a hospital in Tennessee with covid+pneumonia.

Please pray with me for his recovery.

Thank you,

Little Morphin’ Annie


A story of courage—->

Fur, and all,
Thank you for your prayers for my brother.

I am sad to report that he realized on Monday, after more than two weeks in the intensive care unit, there was no more hope of recovery from the China Flu and he opted to decline further treatment.

He was strong of mind and will even as his lungs were weakened with the virus; he took off his BiPAP mask and entered eternal life with his son in the room and me on speaker phone in another state. He was always brave and loyal; now I know his son is too.

Today I wrote my big brother’s obituary-

Many thanks to all of you for your prayers. They strengthened him and me and our whole family. I hope we can all get together on The Other Side and I’ll make introductions. You’d like him.
With a grateful heart,

Little Morphin’ Annie

59 Comments on Some Prayers – WITH UPDATE

  1. Dear Lord, we beseech You on the behalf of Patrick this day as the Ultimate Physician, that You may do that the meficine of Man is not doing, which is to make Your sign upon this child of Yours and bring him full and complete healing.

    Lord, we know this was made by evil men to destroy what You have created, and because of this, every recovery is to Your Glory. Heal this body and revive this man that he can provide living testimony to Your power over those corrupted by satan, that he may sing Your praises with clear lungs and demonstrate once again the futility of the wicked.

    Lord, we are not worthy to ask anything of you but for the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is by that Blood that we come to You as Your word commamds us to implore this mercy of You, that Patrick and all such similarly afflicted may have the hand of satan removed from their thorats and feel instead Your healing touch as you walk around their bedside. Guide the hands and minds of those physicans and nurses, lead them to do that which is right over that which the wicked command, give them guidence and strength to use those gifts that You placed within them in despite of those who would wrong Your children and mock Your creation.

    The evil waxes strong but we know You are ever the mightier, so we come to You asking, hoping, praying, and expecting that Patrick will be healed by Your Grace and Your Mercy, and add to Your everlasting Glory.

    “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”
    Isaiah 53:5

    We thank You and praise You Lord, and joyfully await Your answer that is already on the way.

    In the precious name of Jesus we pray,

    God Bless,

  2. Dear Lord—please put your healing and comforting hands on Annie’s big brother, Patrick. Also please care for his medical team and provide them with wisdom and compassion.
    In Jesus name, the ultimate healer.

  3. Conservative Cowgirl
    JANUARY 18, 2022 AT 9:29 AM
    “Supernightshade, that brought tears to my eyes. you are my prayer leader this morning for Patrick.”

    Thank you but I am nothing, when I pray I pray the prayer the Spirit gives me so anything good is Him and not me.

    Prayers for healing are powerful, and I know another that stands in need. My wife’s aunt Thelma, a lady in her ’80s who just lost her husband of 50+ years was hospitalized with double pneumonia yesterday in a part of East Tennessee where high level doctors and hospital beds are few. Last report was she was still in an ER room because they have nowhere else to put her. As you continue to pray for Patrick, i ask that you pray a prayer for Thelma as well.

    The need is large, but our Lord is great enough for all.

    God Bless,

  4. Amen.

    Y’all (well, except for Julia) are an eloquent, faithful lot. Thanks for storming heaven with these prayers.

    Patrick went to hospital at Christmas, had covid confirmed, and was sent home and told to take ibuprofin. He called himself an ambulance Jan 7 and has been in ICU since. We have talked every day until yesterday b/c he couldn’t take the bpap mask off or his oxygen level plummets and takes too long to recover. He has slept a lot in the last 24 hrs and his vitals were good this morning but there is damage to his lungs. It’s a waiting game and an endurance test at this point. I’m waiting on the doctor to call back to discuss treatment options. Bro refused intubation at the outset and is sticking by that but he is still in intensive care; I want some intensive treatments.

    Will indeed keep you posted. Praying for SNS’s Thelma too.

  5. O’ FATHER of mercies and God of all comfort, our only help in time of need; Look down from heaven, we humbly beseech thee, behold, visit, and relieve thy sick servant Patrick for whom our prayers are desired. Look upon him with the eyes of thy mercy; comfort him with a sense of thy goodness; preserve him from the temptations of the enemy; give him patience under his affliction; and, in thy good time, restore him to health, and enable him to lead the residue of his life in thy fear, and to thy glory. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

  6. @SNS “Thank you but I am nothing, when I pray I pray the prayer the Spirit gives me so anything good is Him and not me.”

    The humility we all need, and a statement to admire. Thelma will be in my prayers too.

  7. Thanks again, y’all. We are feeling the love: yours and the good Lord’s.

    Patrick had a good day. His son flew in last night because we thought it might be his last chance. That, plus prayers, and a lot of oxygen seems to have got him through the night and given him hope and purpose. Still tenuous but no signs of organ damage or failure beyond the lungs. He’s grasping the severity of the situation and the length of time and patience required for recovery –which will be a very different life from the very independent and physical one he had. Still, I think he is now looking forward to it and I am now believing he might get it. He went from unable to speak yesterday to calling me tonight, although I had to do most of the talking.

    Caroleigh: no ivermectin. County hospital following CDC protocols. Done with a full course of remdesivir, now on sterioids, vitamin cocktail, oxygen, and assorted other bits. Great nursing care; strict meds. Not possible to transfer to larger city hospital b/c both Knoxville and Nashville are seeing surge in patients and not taking transfers, plus he’s not up for the trip yet.

    Sturge: Thank you. Brother and I speak very differently but with the same attitude and beliefs (him a bit louder and with more cuss words –so far). He was wearing the tinfoil hat before it was cool and lives so far off the grid, I knew it was desperate days when he got himself to a hospital. He’s the kind of independent misfit this country was made for –the kind who built this country and keeps making, fixing, and moving the stuff in it.

  8. My prayer is that someone give hime 50,000 units of vitamin D a day for at least three days. Vitamin D keeps the virus from attaching to the receptors. I got covid and followed that advice.

  9. Ohh, Annie, I am crying and praying for you and the rest of Patrick’s family and celebrating Patrick’s life and the fact that he is with our Savior at this moment. The picture is perfect and I will for sure tell my small family that I love them. My older brother is visiting from another state this weekend, I will give him an extra hug.

    May you have the peace that passes all understanding.

  10. Annie; Prayers for your entire family and friends as you celebrate Patrick’s life.
    May Patrick find in his everlasting life filled with love, peace and comfort with all those family and friends who passed before him.

  11. Little Morphin’ Anne,

    I greive with you tonight as does your iotw family. Patrick seems to have lived his life as a loving, independently minded man who loved God, Country, and Family, and I’m sure the loss of such a masterful man is keenly felt by those who he knew and loved best. Godspeed Patrick Rodriguez.

    But in your moment of grief, take heart in this; that the statement “there was no more hope of recovery from the China Flu” is incorrect.

    Yes, Mr. Rodriguez passed from this vale of tears as “collateral damage in political wars” as the obituary says, but he also passed into a glorfied body that received the Ultimate Healing from our Lord, never more to know sickness, injury, or death, only eternal joy at the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    “20 For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:

    21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.”
    Philippians 3:20-21

    “I say unto you in the name of Christ: there is not death before you, but life; not torture, but endless joy; not tears and groans, but singing; not slavery, but dominion!”
    -St. Peter, “Quo Vadis”

    Your brother has gone to his reward, but God is faithful, and he has, indeed, received not just healing, but the Ultimate Healing.

    Absent from the body, present with the Lord.

    Your brother is in a blessed place.

    It therefore falls to us who remain to pray then for those who still toil in his wake, so let us pray for our freind Anne and all those who greive tonight.

    Dear Lord God Almighty, we thank You and praise You for the time You allowed Patrick with his family, for allowing him a dignified passing, and for translating him to life eternal with You, healed of all hurts and filled with Your joy today. Please Lord, we ask then that You touch those that mourn him today, fill them with your Blessed Assurance that he contines with You, and with the hope that in the blood shed by Your Son that they may be united again before Your Throne in everlasting joy by and by.

    Lord, we thank You for allowing them this time together on earth and for the times to come that they will be together in Heaven, and ask that You grant them solace in the knowledge that they may even in grief stand upon Your word of Life Eternal, and we ask it all in the precious Name of Jesus, Amen.

    “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes: and death shall be no more, nor mourning, nor crying, nor sorrow shall be any more, for the former things are passed away.”
    Apocalypse/Revelation 21:4

    God Bless,

  12. Annie, I am so sorry for the loss of your brother.
    He sounds like the kind of man this world could use a lot more of.
    May God keep you and your family in his comfort and peace.

  13. so sorry to hear this latest news. And the picture of him in heaven……. shows that has finally come to him. Annie, please tell me, was he treated with any ivermectin or vitamin D what medication are they giving him.. I seriously would like to know.

  14. Damn chinky-dink virus gave me a stroke(I’m 54) back in October, but I’m getting better. Fazebook hates me for that, but their chinky-dink misinformation center can suck my 🍌

  15. Prayers to you and your family Annie.
    I loved your tribute to him. Patrick sounds like another Patrick, Patrick Henry that is.
    Your description of your brother as an “independent misfit this country was made for” is the most perfect description of an American I have ever read.
    Bless you and your family. Heaven looks like a good fit for Patrick!

  16. Thanks so much, y’all. Those are some lovely notes and prayers and I have read every one of them at least twice.

    This week our family is sleepwalking through the immediate details and feeling sad and sentimental. Next week begins my acknowledging my rage and channeling it into finding out WTF happened, why he wasn’t treated at all when he first presented with symptoms and tested positive, and why he and we were never told that the ICU is basically operating as a hospice before he finally figured it out.

    CAROLEIGH: I did formally request a list of his meds and treatments and it was handed to my nephew within minutes of bro’s passing. He asked if I still wanted it at that point. Damn right, I do. Will share when I have it.

    GHOST: You and Patrick are probably sitting next to each other in the back of the freshman class in Heaven, already causing trouble.

    SNS: How’s Thelma?

    BAYOUWOLF: You are either very clever or just a bad typist, but, but I am tempted to change my name to Little Morphine Annie.

  17. Little Morphin’ Annie
    JANUARY 27, 2022 AT 4:33 PM

    “SNS: How’s Thelma?”

    Thank you for remembering in this difficult time for you. She’s back from the hospital, she had issues with fever and pneumonia, but thankfully not Coof. She’s in her 80s tho and just lost her 60 year husband, so she takez some watching.

    God bless and support you in your quest for both answers and comfort.



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