Generational mentality- and it’s not a good look right now – IOTW Report

Generational mentality- and it’s not a good look right now

ht/ jerry manderin

21 Comments on Generational mentality- and it’s not a good look right now

  1. A nurse at the local hospital asked me what I identified as…man, woman or other. I looked her in the eyes and said, put down “real man” she started typing with a big grin.
    I can imagine some young man being asked that and not knowing.

  2. China Wants To Feminize The Culture Of America For Control

    Looks like they’re doing a good job!!
    We now have a generation of finger-pointing, whiners, belly achers and so-called “victims” with no skills, no motivation, no personal responsibility and no idea of what gender they are as a result!

  3. thank god I was born in 1970! Ignore that you bumped into the door casing and don’t draw attention to yourself because you might have had an extra beer or five.

  4. My boyfriend and I were talking about this the other day. Once those of us who are 50+ are gone (along with our common sense), can you imagine what this world will look like?? Pray for our grandchildren…

  5. “It was pointed out, however, that the people depicted in the past, raised the kids today.”

    While that essentially is correct it negates the influence universities and peer pressure has on kids. Even the most grounded, structured, and disciplined kid will be tested, proselytized, and shamed if he appears an aberration from the crowd. Of course many do not succumb, their faith and morality intact but many don’t as evdienced by that dufus in the video.

  6. CCNV – “Once those of us who are 50+ are gone (along with our common sense), can you imagine what this world will look like??”

    I don’t watch tv that much, but I leave it on as background noise when I’m working on my little projects at my desk, which happens to be near the living room. Anywho, I’ve noticed that a ton of commercials just feature a bunch of idiots dancing (not to mention everyone just has a “woke” look about them). They can’t even make a 30 second commercial with humor, wit or a lasting message. Sickening what the world will be like in twenty more years with Millenials/Gen Z’s running the show.

  7. Yes, today’s kids were raised by the earlier generations but when we were kids there were only a few tv stations. No computers, cell phones or internet. No women behaving like crazed hookers on video or in public. Schools were still half decent. It wasn’t unusual to not go to college.
    And “special” groups weren’t a thing.

  8. The ones that survive won’t have this problem, they’ll simply be enslaved as good workers.
    Nobody needs guns attitude, I will just call a cop. Eventually they’ll realize their mistake to late.


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