UK Man admits exploiting victim ‘kept as slave’ in shed for 40 years, police say – IOTW Report

UK Man admits exploiting victim ‘kept as slave’ in shed for 40 years, police say

SkyNews: A man has admitted exploiting a victim who was “kept as a slave” in a 6ft shed in Cumbria for 40 years, according to police. Peter Swailes, 56, pleaded guilty at Carlisle Crown Court on Tuesday before his modern slavery trial was due to begin.

He had previously denied conspiring with his father, also Peter Swailes, 81, to arrange or facilitate the travel of an individual between 2015 and 2019 with a view to him being exploited. more here

7 Comments on UK Man admits exploiting victim ‘kept as slave’ in shed for 40 years, police say

  1. “… “kept as a slave” in a 6ft shed in Cumbria for 40 years …”
    Obviously Demonrats – both – the slave and the slave holder.
    (or the limey equivalent)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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