Father of Murder Victim Blames Politicians For Appealing To Lowest Rung of Society In Order To Get Votes – IOTW Report

Father of Murder Victim Blames Politicians For Appealing To Lowest Rung of Society In Order To Get Votes


According to Los Angeles County records, Smith had a criminal record and was free on a $1,000 bail from an October 2020 misdemeanor arrest.

Smith allegedly stabbed Brianna Kupfer last week at the Croft House furniture store in Hancock Park where she worked while studying design at UCLA. The upscale neighborhood was considered relatively safe until recently.

Prior to the stabbing, Kupfer texted a friend saying she got a “bad vibe” from the man who entered the store. The friend did not immediately see the text message at the time.

Security footage from a 7-Eleven at Beverly and Wilshire boulevards allegedly recorded the killer, who was wearing an N95 mask, 30 minutes after the Kupfer’s murder. Speaking with Fox News earlier this week, Brianna’s father, Todd Kupfer, blamed politicians for his daughter’s murder.

“Crime is truly spiking, and we have a lot of criminals on the streets that shouldn’t be out,” Kupfer said.

“We have a lot of politicians that somehow forgot about people and think the key to getting elected is to support the lowest rung of our society and to give them rights and somehow that’s the answer to getting votes,” he added.

14 Comments on Father of Murder Victim Blames Politicians For Appealing To Lowest Rung of Society In Order To Get Votes

  1. From 48 years ago –
    Nothing to do but cut and run, huh? What else?
    What about the old American social custom of self-defense?
    If the police don’t defense us, maybe we ought to do it ourselves.

  2. “…relatively safe until recently.”

    …lot of that going around, all over the nation. Its almost like there are new and more sinister people in charge than their were a year ago, or something, odd, that…

  3. They are not appealing to the lowest rungs, they are appealing to the upper rungs, wealthy white liberals that see an opportunity to demonstrate their superiority while being, usually, completely insulated from the resulting chaos. How many upscale neighborhoods were burned down during the BLM/ANTIFA riots last year?

  4. No shit Sherlock.

    And @ Thomas Rider JANUARY 19, 2022 AT 10:38 AM

    It is NOT the Democrat Party on their own. The roll the Republican establishment plays has been necessary to the Progressive movement advancing it’s agenda.

  5. No one seems to be stating the obvious here. Blacks are killing thousands of Whites/Asians across the country and not one single hate crime charge has been brought.

    I suppose the war will start when a hair on a single black head gets harmed by a white.

    Then all hell will break loose.

    These black bigots are killing with both impunity and immunity now.

    They are doing it because they can.


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