This is ‘cruel’ and ‘evil’: Victor Davis Hanson – IOTW Report

This is ‘cruel’ and ‘evil’: Victor Davis Hanson

The senior fellow at the Hoover Institution lambasts the left’s ideology amid eroding confidence in America’s institutions.

18 Comments on This is ‘cruel’ and ‘evil’: Victor Davis Hanson

  1. Angus macDougal, about1,500 years ago, “Those who dont learn history are doomed to repeat it.”!
    VDH is, among other things, a historian. He points out we are repeating many previous eras: 1880, 1960, 1970…. IMHO he is too kind to liberals. i do not think they are “nice, dumb folk”. I think they are ruthless, educated folk who want to destroy America; they do what they do fully intending harm to Americans!

    And, as Barry clearly stated in his book 61 years ago – CONSCIENCE – the UNIPARTY is, and has been for lead by liberals ( 1981 – 1988 excluded, GOP leaders acted conservative then, only D were lib) . It takes “BI-LPARTISAN liberals to enact the laws that took us backwards; in some cases backwards 140 years!

  2. I’ve been saying the same thing. We are returning to the wild wild west. It won’t be long before these train companies are hiring armed security. It’s the same story with the retail guys. And as far as personal protection, L.A. for one has started issuing concealed carry permits as fast as they can run back ground checks. I’m good with it. Fuck em.

  3. I literally have nothing to say. I am speechless.

    This is a satisfactory way to live for you people?
    Talk amongst yourselves and leave me out of your miserable lives. If that’s what you chose then live it. Love it.

  4. PHenry, I think we all read your meaning 5 by 5, but there’s one overriding factor about every evil person in history: they WILL NOT leave other people alone. Now they rule what’s left of western civilization. It will get worse.

  5. I have posted many times that the government monopoly on justice forfeits all legitimacy when government does not make a good faith effort to protect the citizens life, liberty and property. Fucking human trafficking is out of control here, crime is out of control here and murder is increasing exponentially here and politicians in Seattle and Olympia think that is hunky dory.

    The concept of vigilantism is not legitimate at this point. Vigilantism demands that citizens usurp the legitimate monopoly on use of force secure justice. If there is no legitimate monopoly then it naturally follows that it is legitimate for the citizens to use force to secure justice.

  6. It is refreshing to hear so many commentators that are finally willing to identify the progressive worldview as a wicked and evil political philosophy. I have had absolutely no reservation in making the connection between followers of a worldview that each and every time, without fail, when they have achieved critical mass and been able to implement their agenda it has lead to massively increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death and followers of a wicked and evil political philosophy.

    The stone cold natural fact is these individuals are motivated by wicked and evil intent and it naturally follows that they are in fact wickedness and evil personified. They are actively hostile to The Good and pleasing their dark prince is what they are motivated by.

    It simply cannot be otherwise when everything they advocate for has been tried and found not only wanting with regard to their stated goals, it has proved consistent with anything other than the exact opposite of what they forecast. Never one time has it not worked out otherwise.

  7. It simply cannot be otherwise when everything they advocate for has been tried and found not only wanting with regard to their stated goals, it has never, not one tome, proved consistent with anything other than the exact opposite of what they forecast. Never one time has it not worked out otherwise.

  8. U forgot fantasy land, thats exactly where your heads are at, be prepared, your great, great, great, great, grand children, will be getiing vaxed, taking covid pills & masking up.

  9. Liberals/leftists/progressives hate decent people because they know decent people are better than they are. They have always attacked decency as being narrowminded, backwards, regressive, unsophisticated, ignorant, bigoted, old fashioned, corny and even hateful. They are wrong of course, but it’s the only way they can live with themselves. Many of them came to embrace the culture of hate because they were victims of abuse, sexual and otherwise, as children. The acceptance of abortion had a lot to do with their sense of worthlessness.

  10. Liberals/leftists/progressives can’t beat America on a level playing field, so the drag us down to their level of Suck in order to “win” The problem is that nobody wins. We are quickly sliding down a very slippery slope to a Venezuelan Hell in a Hand Basket while these commie bastards rob us blind by grinding us up between the millstones of inflation and taxation! It has to stop before we are completely destroyed as the once great nation we once were.


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