Steve Kirsch – Defeat The Mandates DC – IOTW Report

Steve Kirsch – Defeat The Mandates DC

Full Speech- Video HERE.

Steve Kirsch Substack:
Intro: Steve Kirsch is a former high tech executive from Silicon Valley who left his job in order to devote full time to fighting the mandates. 

Hi. I’m Steve.

I am not a doctor. I’m worse. I’m an engineer with two degrees from MIT.

I look at data. I make decisions based on what the data says, not on what people tell me to think.

After 3 relatives of a friend of mine died right after being vaccinated, I started looking at the data from the clinical trials, from studies, from the government, and from doctors.

What the data said was troubling. Very troubling.

First of all, this entire pandemic was completely avoidable. 

We had an early treatment protocol in March of 2020 developed by George Fareed and Brian Tyson. Nobody dies on their protocol if they get treated early. Zero. And only a few people got hospitalized. Yet today, the NIH is saying nothing about this protocol.

That is ridiculous. If they are going to mandate anything, they should mandate you get this protocol if you get COVID. But they don’t. Instead, doctors can have their licenses revoked if they prescribe early treatment drugs like ivermectin and Fluvoxamine.

We don’t need masks, we don’t need vaccines, we don’t need mandates, and we don’t need lockdowns. We never did. MORE

4 Comments on Steve Kirsch – Defeat The Mandates DC

  1. Some of us didn’t need to go to MIT to come to the same conclusions.

    It’s good that people like him and the others featured today are coming forth. Getting past the censoring is the trick.

    For this I also appreciate IOTWreport’s freedom.

  2. It is one thing to be ignorant about vaccines, but it is altogether another to be just too lazy to do your own investigation on the failure of those we pay to do the research that either are too lazy to do it or it is deliberate blindness. There are thousands of mass graves filled with bodies that trusted humans way too much.

  3. “just too lazy to do your own investigation”
    There’s no hope for the true believers, the lefts minions. They blindly believe what ever the media tells them to believe.
    Even if they have had the first 2 JABs and got sick, why not 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or…………….more.


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