Phrases You Will Never Hear – IOTW Report

Phrases You Will Never Hear

We could have fun with this one. But first, I post this for Billy Fuster –

“That’s the banjo player’s Porsche.”

Sorry, Billy. lol.

I also liked –

“He couldn’t have gone far, his leg is still warm.”

Carson feigned naivety and claimed he “didn’t even know what that meant.”

59 Comments on Phrases You Will Never Hear

  1. Remember when Clinton was elected and the media immediately started crowing about his intellect and Obola got in and we had to hear how he might have the highest IQ of any president ever. At least xiden has spared us from ever having to hear that BS about him.

  2. @joe6pak
    ““He couldn’t have gone far, his leg is still warm.” I give up, does that mean something?”
    Some animals will chew their leg off if caught in a trap.

  3. @Jethro @Joe6pack
    My grandpa had a prosthetic leg. I took it to mean if he wasn’t wearing it and it was still warm he couldn’t be too far away because he wouldn’t get far without it. Not quite as morbid as yours…

  4. How about a phase no one actually ever heard at the time it is said to have been spoken, but everyone thinks was said anyway?

    “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot”.

  5. “Best economy in my lifetime.”

    “There was so much stuff on sale at the grocery store I had to make a second trip.”

    “January is my favorite month of the year.”

  6. George Soros at Temple Judea: Hey guys, did you know that I’m a Jewish Nazi?

    Joe Biden: Look, Fatty, I admit I’m really pretty damned stupid.

    Barbra Streisand: OK, I know I’m ugly.

    Kim Kardashian: My boobs, ass, and hips are all really sort of grotesque, don’t you think?

  7. Bruce Jenner: Doc, can you sew it back on?

    Kamala Harris: God made me a filthy slut and I just have to live with it.

    Rosie O’Donnell: Does this dress make me look like a lesbian?

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