Listen to this – Trump on the golf course – IOTW Report

Listen to this – Trump on the golf course

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33 Comments on Listen to this – Trump on the golf course

  1. Trump keeps endorsing RINO assholes over better US first candidates. With Trump, it’s always 2 steps forward followed by 3 back. Fuck that. DiSantis is one thousand times better than Trump, and he won’t be led around by the nose they way Trump his by his democrat daughter and son in law.

  2. 48th actually. Walter the usurper won’t make it to ’24. My money is on the rapist’s wife to be 47, but we’ll see. No way will they retire Walter until they replace the cockholster as vise-usurper.

  3. Sorry, but anyone who thinks the democrats will ever lose a national election again is either high or delusional. They stole the 2020 election in plain site and had absolutely ZERO consequences for that theft. Why on earth would they ever go back to free and fair elections?

  4. @nco77, you obviously don’t pay attention to elections, Republicans have been winning some recent elections & your claims are completely false. You can hide your head back in the sand now, or get out there & vote to support your party.

  5. I will campaign and vote in every election.
    But until the Republican Party figures out how to truly stop the national election from being stolen every election is at risk of being heisted.

  6. Hehe. No matter what you think, the Developer from Queens will never back down from a fight, been dealing with opposition his entire life, he knows the rules better than them. Pretty nice swing for a 75 year old.

  7. @nco77, obviously your a idiot, Republicans have been winning national elections, just because they didn’t win the last Presidential doesn’t mean they will never win again. Go cry in your my pillow now.

  8. @ TheMule: Thank for the comment which I agree with you 100%. He plans to run but can he win? There are better candidates to run and with a possible 8-year term. I heard no apologies from Trump over his jab stance. Trump will be blamed for what has happened. BTW, the Chicoms rolled out the WuFlu at the wrong time in Trump’s presidency. They should have released it the day before the inauguration, it would have made it more chaotic for Trump. Matters not now, Trump says get the jab and I say FDT. He still brags about the jab that he is responsible for at Warp Speed.

  9. I have to agree with nco77 on this. Until there are consequences to outright and visible fraud, why would we expect a fair national election? Yes, some states are putting in new laws to help limit the fraud, but the radical dems (redundant?) are doing everything they can to make election fraud a national and permanent institution.

  10. What nco77 said except uniparty, not just Dems.
    That is the exact reason President Trump needs to run. They’ll never let him win, but it will make them election theft even more obvious.
    They have to create 100 million votes for the uniparty candidate.

  11. ” There are better candidates to run and with a possible 8-year term. I heard no apologies from Trump over his jab stance”

    Name a better candidate and we can debate that.

    Why the F do you want an apology for Trump saying if you want the JAB get the JAB if you don’t want the JAB don’t get it. And further more he has said publicly he would not suggest it for anyone under 18and there’s no way he would mandate it. Exactly where is there a problem here?
    We need Trump elected in 2024 so he can do as much damage to the deep state as he can in 4 years. Like I say, call it his revenge tour. He’s a fast learner and has has plenty of time to plot. After that four years we need DeSantis for eight years. And just maybe we can get some of our country back.

  12. The reason Trump deserves much condemnation for cheer-leading the jab, is that CHILDREN ARE DYING. If he cannot see that, he is either clueless or heartless. I have not herd him say one word of caution on the jabs. We have known for months now that people are dying from the injections and now children are. Until he gives a full throated apology for his lack of wisdom on this, it is a knock out to me. Anybody that advocates for the jab at this point is a fool or worse.

  13. Further more, in 2024 the last thing you will be worried about is the JAB. It will be the economy. Because the clown show in charge right now is going to tank it. Just look what they’ve accomplished in a year. The second biggest thing will be the Illegal Aliens moving in next door to you.

  14. BallNChain

    EXACTLY and that’s why we need an initial four years of Trump so he can try and kill it with a stick. And then let DeSantis take over for eight. Our enemies plot this shit out. I hope like hell our side is.

  15. Anonymous, definition

    without any name acknowledged, as that of author, contributor, or the like: an anonymous letter to the editor; an anonymous donation.
    of unknown name; whose name is withheld: an anonymous author.
    lacking individuality, unique character, or distinction: an endless row of drab, anonymous houses.

    a coward.

  16. Can’t believe this. Have Trump naysayers completely forgotten what Trump did for his country and for us in the four years he in the oval? For crying out loud! And he did it with the asshole Leftists breathing down his neck every damn step of the way. He did it with the media blitzkreig going 24/7.

    I’m not going to detail out every piece of “Winning!” the man brought to us. No wonder we’ve been called the “United States of Amnesia”.

    I’m going to continue to dance with him what brung me.

    He’d be sitting in the oval office right now if it weren’t for total election fraud. Brandon did not win the election.

  17. For all you President Trump Haters.
    Question number 1.
    Did Trump make the vaccine? And is he making money off of it?
    #2 Did he tell you to take it. Yes on the advice of Pfizer and Fauci and the CDC.
    #3Did he put Pence in charge, who hired Fauci,Pence.
    #4Did he tell us it was safe? Yes he did.
    Who told him it was safe? Fauci and Brix.
    #5Who has lied to us for over 2 years?
    So P. Trump has not been able to confront Fauci for over 1 year and call him a liar to his face and fire his ass.
    So lets throw P.Trump in the trash and put our hopes on Ron DiSantis or Ted Cruz.
    Lets see one of them hold a rally that draws 25,000 people ,then we can talk.
    President Trump in 2024 is all we got.


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