The restraint by this man in the face of these Mask Karens is admirable – IOTW Report

The restraint by this man in the face of these Mask Karens is admirable

25 Comments on The restraint by this man in the face of these Mask Karens is admirable

  1. Anonymous January 27, 2022 at 9:55 am

    Drops the mask to be more Karen. Classic.

    Once she got her hand contaminated (already was), when she pulled that diaper down, then she pushed the guy contaminating him. I actually enjoy pointing that out to masked people. Some of them get it.

  2. “This is not about worrying they will get a virus.”

    Exactly. And very few people are realizing this. These “Zombies”, and there’s no better word to describe them, have been waiting their entire lives for a cause. An excuse actually. And now they have it.

    I hope he pressed charges against her.

  3. I have had Masked Karens get in my grill at grocery stores. Not as bad as this, but close. My solution is to begin fake coughing/light spitting in their direction. They then retreat with a few parting insults. It’s fun, try it.

  4. Skanks like this are few and far between where I live. I’ve never encountered one or seen one in action. They know where it will get them. I feel sorry for people that live where this kind of thing goes on.

  5. I’ve had only two people get in my face about not wearing a mask. The result: A couple businesses will never get another cent from me. On the other hand, during the height of the mask frenzy when I might see 2 or 3 people in the grocery store besides me unmasked, I was told a few times how nice it was to see a face.

    P.S. My face isn’t that pretty.


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