The hypocrisy of leftists, and Neil Young, knows no bounds – IOTW Report

The hypocrisy of leftists, and Neil Young, knows no bounds

I guess this tour was nothing but a money grab, using the concept of “free speech” as a way of exploiting people.

Neil Young threatened a company with a form of extortion, telling them they better shut down the free speech of Joe Rogan.

I am struck, also, by the various venues of these tour stops. They seem to be predominantly blue areas that are shitholes thanks to leftwing policies.

The needle, the heroin needle, and the damage done. Maybe we can hold Neil accountable for contributing to a society that glamorized drug abuse, killing many more than Covid.

And, yes, Neil Young was at Woodstock.


Fernando Klock@KlockFernando

13 Comments on The hypocrisy of leftists, and Neil Young, knows no bounds

  1. Just like their gender their ideology has been fluid moving from being against the man to joining the man to make all the rest of us abide by whatever is required. Useful idiots that as history has shown will be dealt with harshly when their usefulness is over.

  2. He may be a Canuk Fascist, but he’s made a mark in America.
    We may not know the lyrics of “Southern Man” be we all know that “southern man don’t need him around …”
    “Ohio” took a completely justified shooting by the Ohio National Guard at Kent State and turned it into an indictment against President Nixon – who had nothing to do with it!

    Yeah – he sucks, he can’t sing, he can’t dance (and his legs are thin), AND he’s a Canadian Fascist – but – he’s made a mark which transcends his lack of character.
    If he were an American, he’d probably appreciate the American experience – but being a Canuk Fascist he can only hate and despise America. It must be sad to be him.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. How the fuck is 100,000 deaths in 1969 equal to 162,000 deaths today? Don’t give me this per ca-pita bullshit. Are they adjusting for inflation? Idiots, Idiots everywhere, we are surrounded by Idiots and Morons. Oh yeah, Fuck Neil Young, he sounds like a Bull calf being castrated.

  4. Tin soldiers and Nixon’s coming
    We’re finally on our own
    This summer I hear the drumming
    Four dead in Ohio—-

    Yes, total bullshit. Nixon did not call in the National Guard. The Ohio governor did. Fake News even then.

  5. Neil is getting the attention he was yearning for, except, he’s going to lose his fortune through lawsuits brought on by the group that bought his catalogue of music. For sure if the Trump’s bought Neil’s catalogue, and Neil pulled this stunt on Trump, we do know a lawsuit would happen instantly. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

  6. You know, a lot of our newer readers might not have seen the Kagan Pizza box parody of the events in Ohio….700 years ago or whenever.

    Mr. Hat should re-run that delightful and charming bit of artwork.


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