Identifies As… – IOTW Report

Identifies As…

Your guess is as good as mine when it comes to Libs of Tik Tok

In some of these cases you shouldn’t limit yourself by animal. Here

23 Comments on Identifies As…

  1. Elfin
    Offspring of Gollum
    Alpha Centaurian

    I have no clue what it is, nor do I want to know. But it was entertaining and that’s all that matters. *BURP*

  2. General Malaise – I’m pretty sure that Elfins, Vulcans, Hobbits and Trolls have no gender identity crisis issues going on. They’re a hellova lot smarter than these sniveling idiots from the Island of Broken Toys are!!

  3. TRF – so you watched it, too. I knew someone would help me out on this. 🙂

    (“Island of Broken Toys” LOL. Actually, I was trying hint that not only can I not deduce or even estimate their own imagined ‘gender identity,’ I also can not classify its species!)

  4. Weird. My identity remains intact. White male, attracted to biological females, increasingly angry at the total takeover of the country by squishy Republicans kowtowing to pure socialistas hell bent on destroying the country by any means necessary.

    Am I supposed to hyper ventilate over lisping sissies or girly men who pretend to be women? I haven’t the time to concern myself with your collective mental problems.

    Stop pestering me, you pieces of garbage. Sorry about your mommy and daddy issues. STFU. Go away.

  5. That’s a woman. An ugly, completely unfuckable woman. But a woman nonetheless. She can identify anyway she wants, but she will die alone, surrounded by a clowder of cats…who will prolly feast on her corpse after she departs this mortal coil. The coroner will identify what is left of her gnawed on corpse as female. There is no nonbinary.

  6. I just thought it was funny she had no problems identifying as an elf…cat…non binary freak, thing.

    But she drew the line at identifying as Canadian.

    “Oh…..I wish I was Canadian. All my other wishes of being a bat elf circus freak came true…but being Canadian is juuust out of reach.”


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