Joni Mitchell (She’s Alive?) Pulls Music From Spotify – IOTW Report

Joni Mitchell (She’s Alive?) Pulls Music From Spotify

Joni Mitchell joins Neil Young in protest against Spotify

ht/ nm

54 Comments on Joni Mitchell (She’s Alive?) Pulls Music From Spotify

  1. Yet another brilliant boomer talent who degenerated into an embittered old hag as she not so gracefully aged

    But unlike bitter old hag Neil Young, she really was talented at one point

  2. Who’s the next irrelevant half-dead hippie musician to try and take an incorrect political stand? Bob Dylan? Although, he just sold his entire music catalogue to Sony, so not sure he can do it. Peter Paul and Mary? C,S&N?

  3. Funny(in a sad way, not a Ha Ha way), how several people who were anti-establishment have become shills for the establishment.
    These irrelevant idiots are now another example of why not to do drugs, boys and girls.

  4. Well, like the youngsters say: “Okay, Boomer.” Those who consumed her musical product already have it, and those consuming the vast majority of musical products now never heard of her.

  5. Over the past several years, I have gotten more misinformation and just plain stupid assertions from the entertainment industry than anywhere else. These people generally have no credentials, education or expertise in the ideas and positions they espouse – usually they just parrot some idiot politician who likewise has no credentials, education or expertise in these areas. So tell me again why I should listen to the pronouncements of Neil Young or Joni Mitchell? They can fuck off to where ever they want for all I care and take their music with them.

    The same goes for the government and the media. The government generally collects the data, but particularly with Covid they report only whatever supports their political position (e.g. people dying with Covid as opposed to dying of Covid). The media should be in a position to call out government officials on their bullshit, but they have their own political agenda to promote and protect.

    So Joe Rogan interviews Dr. Malone. Since I can’t apparently trust anyone, I will try to cross-check Dr. Malone’s assertions as well – although he makes some assertions that sound rational. But what Rogan does is present various viewpoints – which is something mainstream media should do instead of agitating for mandates and suppression of speech because they apparently can’t enter into any intellectual debate anymore. And as for the government, only an idiot would trust the government implicitly.

    So, to end this rant, the entertainment industry, the media, the government and even the scientific community have failed the public at large and we can’t trust any of them either individually or together without a healthy dose of skepticism. Because the way these groups are acting, we will soon be asked to accept eugenics and vernalization as accepted science, just as we are currently being ordered to accept 57 genders and the assertion there is no differences between men and women.

  6. Anonymous January 29, 2022 at 1:28 pm – “…Fuck Joe Rogan, f’n nutcase…”

    Very provocative statement, but without any facts to back it up. Please share your reasons.

    Wait, what am I saying. You add an additional layer of anonymity by calling yourself “anonymous”. That makes you too timid or uninformed to make a reasoned comment based in fact and logic. Just emotive opinions are all you’re capable of expressing. Anybody can do that.

    Try making a comment like Wyatt – above ^^^

  7. Who the hell is ‘Joni Mitchell’ and do I even want to know?

    (Never mind. I’ll just take everyone’s word that I don’t really want to know, or remember, since that’s possible, also.)

  8. This is such an obvious attempt to get her name back out into the public. lol She MIGHT have been relevant 40 years ago, but the vast majority of people don’t know who she is. Just go back to retirement Joni.

  9. So, after 50 years of being irrelevant along with her cohort Young, both decided that they are more relevant than Rogan. Rogan has more going for him than the two crooners that no one knows.

  10. Outdoorjohn, who would want to listen to Slim Whitman’s music anyway? It sure caused the Martian heads to explode. And I was going to call Joni Mitchell phony Joanie but that moniker was already taken when AL Capp of Little Abner fame called Joan Baez Phony Joanie (or Joanie Phony) back in the late 60’s.

  11. I fully support her decision to pull her music from
    Spotify. That is call freedom. What is not indicative of freedom is demanding someone elses opinion being stiffled. That being said, FU Joni. If I never hear another of your 50 year old hit songs I will manage to get by somehow.

  12. LOL I know one song by Joni Mitchell and it’s performed in such a dumb way, in my opinion (“put up a parking lot”).

    I’ve heard a few Neil Young songs and none of them bonded with me enough to care.

    And now Peter Frampton and Liza Minnelli? Between them I know one song from the 60s hour on the radio.

  13. What a hippie-crite Mitchell is. From singing “Free Man in Paris” to participating “Censored Man in LA.” I’d wager, just like Neil Young, she has never even heard a single Joe Rogan podcast. That’s how fucking evil and fascist these evil ’60 generation fucktards are.

  14. ‘My analyst told me I was right of my head’ ‘Something something double decker bus ’cause there is no driver on the top’

    If she isn’t dead she smells that way. Joni claims to have an illness not recognized by medical science. Bless her heart.

    Irrelevant and going to stay that way. Her S[otify fees are probably more than she earns in 10 years.

  15. Typical lefty.

    Double down if it backfires on them.

    I’m expecting 2-4 more to soon follow suit. They never learn. That’s why they must be relegated to the dust bin of history. It’ll be known as that horrible time we let kids have a say-so in running lives and the world.

  16. “Blue” — an amazing album, really. She had a great voice, too. But the one thing actors and recording artists never seem to learn is to stay out of politics and stuff they don’t know anything about! It’s just a dumb move.

  17. I find this thing very funny. I’ve been seeing tweets that Barry Manilow has pulled his music from Spotify. After that being retweeted all day, I saw a tweet from him (blue check) that he has not and knows nothing about how that fake news was being spread.

    Who knows…

    So, I decided to spread a little fake news myself:

    “Mozart is the latest artist to pull his music from @Spotify over Joe Rogan’s podcast.”

    Just to make sure, I added a painting of of him with my tweet:

  18. Anonymous January 29, 2022 at 4:21 pm

    No, not that!

    Next thing you know, clinton and obama will pull their books on tape!!

    I see their books all the time at thrift stores for 25 cents. I still see them sitting in the same spot 6 months later. Hillary is another one that’s on the shelf. No takers….


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