Guy Losing It Says Truck Convoy Has Made Him Lose His Mind From Lack of Sleep – IOTW Report

Guy Losing It Says Truck Convoy Has Made Him Lose His Mind From Lack of Sleep

24 Comments on Guy Losing It Says Truck Convoy Has Made Him Lose His Mind From Lack of Sleep

  1. It cracks me up when libs snap and claim some place is “Their city, their neighborhood or their street”.
    Good job truckers. Drive those ass clown liberals crazy to the point where THEY go violent.
    Keep on Truckin in the free world!

  2. If he can’t sleep it means he is in downtown Ottawa.
    That means He has an apartment.
    Thus a window or balcony.
    Therefore, since he wont buy a cheap pair of ear protectors, he can fling himself onto the pavement below.

    … and the VAX MANDATE for Cross Boarder WAS & IS FEDERAL not Provincial you shark nosed retard.

  3. Must have been a pretty small mind to begin with if he lost it over this truck convoy. If he needs a sleep aid, he could borrow that iPhone the Queen has with Obama’s speeches on it.


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