Super Spreader Joe – IOTW Report

Super Spreader Joe

24 Comments on Super Spreader Joe

  1. I don’t know about you, but I’m inspired to stop wearing a useless mask and to start shaking hands with lots of people. Dementia Joe has finally shown some leadership, even if it was inadvertent.

  2. @Anon Trooper, pardon me for correcting you, but it’s OUR house and he is a hypocritical, unwanted intruder in our house. 😁

    Klobuchar pats his arm as if he’s her doddering, senile grandfather. 🙄

  3. this shitshow has gone way beyond just funny … this ain’t funny anymore

    We The People must demand to know who is in charge, ’cause it definitely ain’t this addle-brained old pedophile & they’re pushing us into a frickin’ war to cover up for the Biden Crime Family & make $$$ for the Military-Industrial Complex

  4. Reaching out to shake hands, is the best way to find the true believers.
    It’s time to take back sanity, one hand at a time.
    Also a good way to start building back your natural immunity.
    I’m not only tired of the game, I quit playing.

  5. Got gas today in unincorporated King County. Got outta my car without a mask. Two ladies, one across from my pump and another kitty corner from me had masks on. I smiled at the closest one, commented about the chilly weather. She seemed shocked, pulled her mask down and smiled and agreed. Kept her mask off the rest of the time. The other lady watched us, I smiled at her. No response-but when she drove off- I got a maskless smile and wave. My good deed for the day! 😃

    Now, I gotta get those “I did that” FJB stickers. Gas was 4.59 (premium).

  6. Demented Joe hadn’t gotten his pudding pop yet. It’s laced with his special meds that keep him from “sundowning” too early and wandering around fog brained.

    Seriously, his handlers haven’t cared the public knows he’s a demented leftist tool since they stole the presidential election.
    Totalitarian elites are the ones running the federal government and blue states, not Wandering Joe.
    Also, the double masks signal who is the most loyal to the State.


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